What's missing?

The boss of the criminal group definitely wanted him to find more than just these superficial things. He must have wanted him to find something deeper.

Qi Lin's eyes darkened.

He entered the server again and started looking for something deeper.

This time, Qi Lin went directly into the core part of the server. That’s the most complicated and critical part.

Qi Lin frowned slightly when he saw those complicated codes and programs. Although his spiritual power is strong, he doesn't know much about this aspect. This is a challenge for him.

Qi Lin took a deep breath and then began to investigate one by one. He uses his mental power to perceive the differences and connections of these codes. Although the progress was a little slower, he finally found a code segment that seemed a bit abrupt among the codes.

"It turns out to be you." Qi Lin whispered.

He went directly into that code segment and discovered that it was a hidden encrypted channel. Qi Lin did not rush in, but observed the outside for a while.

Sure enough, what flows in the encrypted channel is pure data information. However, these data may be meaningless to ordinary people, but under Qi Lin's spiritual perception, they appear particularly clear.

Qi Lin decrypted the data and was shocked. That turned out to be the criminal group's insider list and their transaction records. Qi Lin quickly browsed several transaction records and found that these records exactly matched what the criminal group boss asked him to find.

Qi Lin took a deep breath. He knew that he had found what the criminal group boss asked him to find. Now as long as these things are made public, the criminal group will be completely finished.

But Qi Lin also knew that this was just the first step. His eyes fell on the list of insiders, and he knew that this was the real key. These people have contributed a lot to criminal groups in recent years, and they all have unknown blood debts on their hands. If all these people can be caught, the entire criminal group will collapse.

Qi Lin carefully studied the list of these insiders, and he found that the names of these people all existed, but their contact information was encrypted, and only internal members of the criminal group could unlock it.

Qi Lin knew that his next goal was to decipher these contact information and find the criminals hidden among ordinary people.

He closed his eyes and used his mental power to perceive the encrypted information. Suddenly, something clicked in his mind and he had an idea. He opened the encrypted channel [entered a string of numbers, which was the birthday of the crime syndicate boss.

Sure enough, the encrypted channel was unlocked. What appeared inside was a series of phone numbers. Qi Lin tried to call, but the call was answered quickly.

"Who?" came a deep voice from the other side.

"I am Qi Lin." Qi Lin said, "You should know who I am.

The 590 side was silent for a while, and then said: "Qi Lin? Are you still alive?"

"You seem to be disappointed?" Qi Lin said lightly, "Wouldn't it be better for you if I am alive? After all, I have helped you solve a lot of troubles."

"What's the matter with you?" The tone on the other side was a little impatient.

"I need to talk to you," Qi Lin said, "about your criminal record."

There was silence for a moment, and then he said: "What are your conditions?"

"Conditions?" Qi Lin smiled, "I don't have any conditions. I just want to talk to you. If you don't want to talk, I can also hand it over to the police.

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