At the same time, the man also provided a lot of useful information, helping Qi Lin better understand the internal operations of the criminal group. They agreed on a time for Qi Lin to hand over all criminals to the police.

On the day of the action, Qi Lin felt unprecedented tension and excitement. He knows that his actions may change the fate of many people. But he didn't feel any fear because he believed he would succeed.

In the end, Qi Lin and the man teamed up to hand over all the criminals to the police. They became a heroic act of justice.

Although Qi Lin's physical condition was not good, he still persisted in completing the investigation and solution of the entire case. He felt exhausted, but he had no regrets610

He knows that his actions have changed the fate of many people and enabled more people to have a better future. This is the achievement and satisfaction he has always wanted.

Finally, Qi Lin looked at the deep sky in the distance, and he deeply felt a kind of quiet joy and happiness. He felt that he had become a better person and had contributed to his just cause. It was worth everything he did.

Qi Lin was sitting in a small cafe called "Coffee Wings", holding a cup of hot mocha in his hand. He (caeb) glanced at the case information in his hand, then took a deep sip of coffee and frowned.

"This is simply a mess." Qi Lin whispered to himself.

The clues to the case are scattered and complex. A smuggling ship was seized in the coastal area. The goods on the ship - including some arms and rare works of art - were of great value. But the people on the boat insisted that they were just ordinary fishermen and knew nothing about smuggling.

Qi Lin shook his head, feeling as if he had been thrown into a fog. He needs more information, more clues.

Suddenly, his phone vibrated on the table. The caller ID was his old friend and informant - Panda.

"Qi Lin, I found some clues about the smuggling case." Panda's voice was a little urgent.

Qi Lin felt his heartbeat speed up. "you say."

"I found some internal documents in the fishing company to which the smuggling ship belongs. The documents show that the ship was leased out at a specific point in time, and the amount paid by the lessor far exceeded the normal rental price.

Qi Lin's brows furrowed. "what does that mean?"

"This means that this smuggling case may be a premeditated crime. Those on the ship may just be used tools." Panda replied.

Qi Lin felt his heartbeat speed up. "I need more information. Do you know who chartered this ship?"

"There is no record in this file, but I am checking it." Panda replied.

Qi Lin took a deep breath. "Okay, I'll give you the news."

He hung up the phone and looked at the coffee in his hand again. He knew that the answer might be hidden in this cup of coffee. All he needs to do is to search patiently.

An hour later, Panda called again. The voice was full of excitement.

"Qi Lin, I found out! The person who rented the Wen ship is a man named Zhao Ming." Panda said.

"Zhao Ming?" Qi Lin was somewhat familiar with this name. He opened the case file and found a note found on the ship with "Zhao Ming" written on it.

"Who is this Zhao Ming?" Qi Lin asked. .

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