Qi Lin kept looking at the testimonies and details of the case, trying to find loopholes. He thought about the female drug dealer from before. Why did she admit her crime so easily? And she didn't seem to have much resistance to her crime, and she could even be said to accept it calmly. This made him feel a little unusual.

Qi Lin suddenly stopped what he was doing, and a glimmer of understanding flashed in his eyes. "I see..." He muttered in a low voice, and then continued to type on the keyboard.


A few days later, Qi Lin finally pieced together all the clues. He understood everything. This gang was indeed a very cunning gang. They conducted transactions through the dark web, and they also had a very complete sales network. But they ignored one of the most important details of 923 - love.

The reason why this female drug dealer admitted her crime was because she fell in love with her boss. In order to protect her, her supervisor made her admit the crime. Although this gang is cunning, they believe too much in their own strategies and ignore the weaknesses of human nature. This is where they fail.

Qi Lin took a deep breath, knowing that this case could finally be over. He successfully cracked the poisoning case and found the real criminal. He felt that he had never felt so relaxed.

(cdfd) "Let's go. Qi Lin stood up, knowing that his work was done. He and his assistant went to the police station with all the evidence and reported their findings to the director. The director was shocked after hearing this. He had no idea at all. Thinking that this case would be solved so easily. His eyes were full of admiration and gratitude when he looked at Qi Lin.

"Well done." The director patted Qi Lin on the shoulder, then looked at his assistant, "You two have made great contributions.

"Thank you, Director." Qi Lin and his assistant replied in unison. They knew that solving this case would have a huge impact on the entire city. Drug harm is a very serious problem, and the existence of this gang puts the entire city at risk. Now that their crimes have been exposed, the gang can finally be completely destroyed.

Qi Lin was sitting in the office, holding a case report in his hand. This is a case involving the trafficking of protected animals, and he needs to study it carefully.

"Qi Lin, are you working overtime so late?" A familiar voice came from the door. It was his old friend and partner, forensic doctor Liu Jia.

Qi Lin raised his head, put down the report in his hand, and smiled at Liu Jia, "There is no way, for the sake of those innocent animals, I have to solve the case as soon as possible. 17

Liu Jia walked into the office and looked at the mountains of documents on Qi Lin's desk, "This will take a lot of effort.

"Yes," Qi Lin sighed, "but as long as I can catch those guys, it will be worth whatever I pay. 27

Qi Lin and Liu Jia sat together and began to analyze the case. Starting from the initial crime scene, they deduced the identity and motives of the criminal step by step. They looked through photos of the scene, checked the victim's belongings, and analyzed the suspect's whereabouts...Qi Lin could even simulate the entire crime process.

After several hours of discussion, they finally found a breakthrough. Qi Lin picked up the phone and called his informant, "Old Wang, I need your help. Let's meet and talk tomorrow."


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