Qi Lin glanced at the document, then raised his head, looked at Lin Yao and said, "I have accepted this case."

Lin Yao sighed and said, "I know you can't sit still, but the water behind this case is very deep, so you must be careful."

Qi Lin smiled and said, "Don't worry, I will definitely reveal the truth."

Lin Yao nodded and said, "Okay, I believe you."

Qi Lin began to study the details of the case, and he found that this commercial espionage case involved many complex interpersonal relationships and conflicts of interest. He began to organize his thoughts and imagine various possibilities

A few hours later, Qi Lin decided to start with a company called "Galaxy 373 Technology". He learned that "Galaxy Technology" is a well-known technology company, but a major trade secret leak occurred recently. Qi Lin believes that the theft of confidential documents from "Galaxy Technology" is likely to be related to this case.

Qi Lin began to collect information about "Galaxy Technology". He found that this company had a very large employee team, but only a few of them had access to confidential documents. This made the investigation work more difficult, but Qi Lin did not give up.

In the next few days, Qi Lin came into contact with the senior managers of "Galaxy Technology" through various means, and gradually discovered one of the insiders. The insider's name was Li Ming, a project manager at "Galaxy Technology". He was attracted by Qi Lin's keen insight and began to share some confidential information with Qi Lin.

Li Ming told Qi Lin that he accidentally discovered a conspiracy within the company. Someone was trying to steal the company's trade secrets and leak these secrets to competitors. Li Ming was so shocked and angry that he decided to investigate the matter in depth. During the investigation, he discovered that some senior managers within the company were behind the conspiracy.

Qi Lin became very interested in Li Ming's words and decided to investigate the matter in depth. He and Li Ming analyzed all the clues and evidence together, and gradually came to a surprising conclusion: It turned out that there was indeed a huge conspiracy within the "Galaxy Technology" (chef). For personal gain and desire for power, some senior managers are willing to leak company trade secrets to competitors in exchange for higher positions and salaries.

In the next few days, Qi Lin and Li Ming collected more evidence and anonymously submitted this evidence to the chairman of "Galaxy Technology". The chairman was shocked after seeing it and immediately launched an internal investigation. Eventually, several criminals among the top management of "Galaxy Technology" were caught and prosecuted.

This industrial espionage case occurred within a well-known technology company. The company is a leading smartphone manufacturer with many innovative technologies and patents. However, in recent months, companies have discovered that some of their key technologies have been stolen by competitors. This aroused great concern from the company's senior management, who decided to hire Qi Lin to investigate the matter.

After Qi Lin received the task, he immediately launched an investigation. He first met with the company's security team to understand the background and current status of the case. The security team told him that they had collected some clues but still could not determine who was behind it all.

Qi Lin began to analyze these clues and gradually discovered some doubts. He noticed that one of the company's senior engineers had been behaving strangely recently. The engineer's name is Li Ming. He is one of the company's technical backbones and knows the company's technology very well. .

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