"Can you describe the scene when the fire broke out?" Qi Lin asked.

Wang Xue looked pale, "I was sleeping at the time and suddenly heard the sound of burning. I got up quickly and saw a sea of ​​​​fire outside the window. I tried to open the door to escape, but the door was locked."

The door is locked?" Qi Lin repeated.

"Yes, I pushed the door hard, but it just wouldn't open. I was so scared and at a loss." Wang Xue's voice was trembling.

Qi Lin was silent for a moment, "Can you tell me who the arsonist is?"

Wang Xue shook her head, "I don't know, I didn't see anything."

Qi Lin looked into Wang Xue's eyes and saw that she was not lying. He muttered the name silently in his heart - the door was locked. He decided to visit the fire scene again.

When Qi Lin came to the fire scene again, it was already dark. He walked alone among the ruins with a heavy heart. Suddenly, he noticed a detail - the locked door.

He stepped forward and looked carefully, and found a small mark on the keyhole of the door, which seemed to be caused by a small metal object being inserted.

Qi Lin took out a magnifying glass and looked at the mark carefully, and couldn't help but sneer. He understood that the truth of the arson case was finally revealed.

The next day, Qi Lin came to the police station and told his colleagues what he found. With their efforts, the truth finally emerged. It turns out the arson was a cover-up for a murder.

Qi Lin was sitting at the desk in the office, sorting out the relevant documents of the case. His assistant Xiao Yang came in with a cup of coffee in his hand.

"Team Qi, this is the coffee you asked for." Xiao Yang put the coffee on the table and sat down.

Qi Lin raised his head, smiled and said: "Thank you, Xiao Yang. This case is really a headache.

Xiao Yang nodded to express his understanding. He knows that Qi Lin takes every case very seriously and never cares.

"Yes, Team Qi. The suspect in this arson case has never been found. We need more clues to track him." Xiao Yang said.

Qi Lin thought for a while, and then suddenly remembered something.

"By the way, I remember there is a bar near the crime scene. We can go there to investigate and see if there are any witnesses or relevant clues." Qi Lin suggested.

Xiao Yang nodded and agreed. They immediately packed up the documents and left the Fifth Office.

They arrived at the bar and could feel the thick smoke and loud music as soon as they entered the door. Qi Lin and Xiao Yang found a seat at the bar and sat down.

"Hello, are you the boss here?" Qi Lin asked the bartender at the bar.

The bartender nodded and motioned for them to continue.

"We are investigating an arson case. The crime occurred in a nearby hotel. We would like to ask if you saw any suspicious people or heard any unusual sounds?" Qi Lin asked.

The bartender frowned, thought for a moment, and then shook his head.

"I'm sorry, I didn't notice any suspicious people or sounds. There were a lot of people that night and the music was loud. It was hard for me to concentrate." said the bartender.

Holy Path.

Qi Lin did not give up. He continued to ask: "So, do you remember that a man wearing a black hat appeared that night? Buy"

The bartender thought for a moment, then nodded.

"Yeah, I remember a man wearing a black hat showed up that night. He looked a little mysterious and was hiding in the corner drinking," the bartender recalled.

Qi Lin's eyes lit up, and he felt that he was one step closer to solving the case. .

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