So, Qi Lin began to investigate Minister Liu's son.

He discovered that the child had borrowed a bicycle from a classmate on the night of the incident, saying he wanted to go for a walk in the park. However, when Qi Lin went to investigate this classmate, he found that the classmate had not seen Minister Liu's son that night.

This clue made Qi Lin more certain that the child was a poisoner.

He began to investigate the child's background and behavior in depth, and found that the child had had disputes with his father over some small things, and he was very dissatisfied with his father's control. All this made Qi Lin even more suspicious that the child was the shooter.

Eventually, Qi Lin found the child and took him to the police station.

In the police station, the child acted very calmly at first, but when Qi Lin presented the evidence, he finally admitted that he was the poisoner.

He said that his father often beat his mother and was very strict with him, which made him feel very depressed. So when he heard that his father was going to be promoted, he decided to poison his father to death.

Qi Lin opened the door of the bar, and the atmosphere inside instantly made him feel depressed. Under the dim light, people were talking in low voices, seeming to be plotting something. He glanced around and found his target - a middle-aged man with a gloomy face.

"Hello, I am Qi Lin (acab), a detective." Qi Lin stepped forward and introduced himself.

The middle-aged man raised his head, somewhat surprised, "What do you want from me?"

"I want to ask you about selling protected animals." Qi Lin looked directly into his eyes and said firmly, "I know you are a member of this gang."

The middle-aged man's expression changed and he denied it, "You are talking nonsense. I have no idea what you are talking about."

Qi Lin smiled and took out a photo from his pocket, "This is a photo of your transaction with the gang last night. Do you think that deleting the records on your phone can cover up everything?"

The middle-aged man was stunned, sweat broke out on his forehead, " did you know?"

"This is my job." Qi Lin replied, "I know every detail and every clue. This gang has been tracked by us for a long time."

"I... I confess." The middle-aged man sighed, "We are indeed selling protected animals, but I am only driven by money. I don't want to harm them."

"Then tell me everything you know." Qi Lin said, "I want to know every member of this gang and every transaction."

As time goes by, Qi Lin gradually understands how this gang operates. They use online platforms to contact buyers and sellers and conduct transactions through hidden channels. Because their actions are extremely covert, few people can detect their crimes.

"Do you know the time and place of their next transaction?" Qi Lin asked.

The middle-aged man shook his head, "I only know that they plan to conduct a large-scale transaction in three days. I don't know the specific time and place."

"In three days." Qi Lin repeated silently, "I will catch them."

Qi Lin left the bar, full of determination. He knew this was an important case that required all his efforts. He began to sort out the clues he had obtained and formulate a detailed plan.

Time flies by, and three days go by in an instant. Qi Lin and his assistants were lurking near the transaction location, waiting for the opportunity to come. As night falls, the time for trading is coming. Qi Lin's heartbeat accelerated and he stared ahead nervously. .

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