Qi Lin thanked the little girl and immediately rushed in that direction. He discovered that there was an orphanage in that direction.

In the orphanage, Qi Lin found a staff member. She told Qi Lin that the man selling flowers was a volunteer who often came here to help. He helped the children in the orphanage sell flowers to help them earn some money. pocket money.

"Hasn't he come recently?" Qi Lin asked.

"Yes," the staff member said, "He hasn't been here for several weeks."

Qi Lin's heartbeat accelerated, and he felt that something might have happened to this man. He decided to go find him-.

After some searching, Qi Lin finally found the man in a remote corner. He found his body buried in a shallow grave, his face badly burned and unrecognizable.

Qi Lin felt heartache. He felt that this man was innocent and was just being used. He decided to find this man so that he could rest in peace.

In the next few days, Qi Lin and the police searched the entire city and finally found the man's identification and address. They found that his home had been ransacked and had multiple signs of damage.

Qi Lin and the police decided to go to the man's home to investigate. They found that the man's home was in a very remote place, and there were few people living around it. They found that the doors and windows of the home were broken and there were many signs of fire damage.

Qi Lin and the police conducted a more in-depth investigation and finally found that this man was the murderer of the arson case. He set fire to his family and then fled to the orphanage to help the children sell flowers to cover up his crime.

Qi Lin and the police arrested the man and took him to the little girl's home. They made him admit his crime and made him apologize to the little girl. In the end, the man was sentenced to death.

Qi Lin and Brother Li were also very happy because of the resolution of this case. They know that the solution of this case is not only for the little girl and the man, but also for the innocent victims and their families.

Qi Lin is sitting in the detective agency, his eyes are deep and firm. He understood that his mission had just begun.

The phone rang suddenly. Qi Lin grabbed the phone and heard an urgent voice from the other end: "Mr. Qi, this is Police Officer Wang. We have encountered a trafficking case and need your help."

0Please ask for flowers…………

Qi Lin immediately cheered up and told me the details.

"A woman reported that her little daughter was missing. According to her description, the little girl was kidnapped by a black car on her way home. We have searched the incident location, but there are no clues." Officer Wang explained.

"What do you need me to do?" Qi Lin asked.

"We need you to analyze this case. Maybe you can find clues that we can't find." Officer Wang said.

Qi Lin hung up the phone and immediately went to work. He carefully analyzed all the details and then began to construct a timeline. A few hours later, he looked up. His face was tired, but his eyes were full of determination.

"I will take this case," he said firmly.

In the next few days, Qi Lin and the police conducted investigations around the crime scene. He looks for clues, analyzes traces, and talks to witnesses. He is busy every day, but he always has a focused and determined expression on his face. .

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