They drove to the warehouse. Qi Lin saw several chaotic footprints outside the warehouse door, and his eyes became more determined. He opened the door and walked in, followed by Xiao Yang.

The warehouse was filled with all kinds of smuggled items, and Qi Lin recorded every detail while taking photos. He found a notebook in the corner of the warehouse, which recorded some mysterious dates and cargo information. He looked through his notes carefully, and suddenly, he seemed to have discovered something.

"This date." Qi Lin pointed to a date on his notebook and said to Xiao Yang, "Have we received any reports on smuggling cases around this date?"

Xiao Yang looked through his records, then shook his head, "No, 317 did not receive any relevant reports around this date."

Qi Lin pondered for a moment, and he seemed to have touched the edge of the truth. He looked at the information on the goods and notes, and he knew that the owner of this warehouse must be related to the smuggling case, and their secrets might be hidden in these goods and notes.

In the next few days, Qi Lin and Xiao Yang conducted detailed classification and investigation of all items in the warehouse. They discovered some secret passages and hidden rooms hidden among the cargo. In one of the rooms, they found an account book with transaction details and consignee information for all smuggled goods.

Qi Lin looked through the account books, his heart filled with excitement. He knew that he had found the key clue to cracking the smuggling case. He immediately called the police station to report

of his discovery.

The police acted quickly and based on the information provided by Qi Lin, they conducted a comprehensive search and investigation of the warehouse. Eventually, they found a large amount of smuggled goods and evidence

Arrest all those involved. I

After the case was solved, Qi Lin sat in the office and reviewed the entire case process. He knows that every detail is crucial and every clue may be the key to solving the case. He looked at the notes and photos in his hands, feeling filled with satisfaction and pride.

His phone rang again. (agbf) It was a call from the editor of the newspaper, inviting him to write a report on the smuggling case. Qi Lin smiled and agreed to the editor's request. He knew that this was his responsibility and contribution to society.

Qi Lin was sitting in the office of the detective agency. There was thick haze outside, just like his mood at the moment. He turned on his computer and began to carefully study the details of the murder case. This is a very difficult case. The victim is a very famous local entrepreneur, and all the evidence points to his wife.

"Qi Lin, are you really sure it was her?" A colleague walked in and handed him a cup of coffee.

Qi Lin shook his head, "Not sure, but she is the most suspicious. 17

"But she has a motive, time, and a complete criminal plan. The colleague frowned and said, "Is it possible that someone else did it?"

"Of course it's possible." Qi Lin took a sip of coffee, "But we need more evidence.

They began to re-examine all clues, from the victim's living habits to his wife's whereabouts, from the details of their relationship to their family's financial situation. Qi Lin knew that he needed to find a breakthrough, otherwise the case would remain unresolved forever. .

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