The man was just one of them. He killed the victim out of his own anger, but the real mastermind was the victim's former assistant. She knew the victim's dark secret and was determined to make her pay the price. She carefully planned the entire case, using the man as a suspect to guide the police investigation and setting multiple traps to confuse the detectives.

Qi Lin gradually pieced it all together through repeated interrogations of suspects and investigations of victims. He discovered an anonymous letter pointing to the former assistant's involvement. In a tense and intense conversation, Qi Lin revealed the truth about 677.

"Do you think you can hide it from me? There is a more complicated conspiracy behind this case, and you are the real mastermind!" Qi Lin said calmly.

The identified former assistant gave a sly smile. She responded without fear: "Yes, I am indeed the mastermind of this case. The victim not only betrayed me, but also hurt countless people. The world needs justice, and I act for justice."

On a narrow street in a bustling city, a black car knocked down a passing pedestrian. The driver (aged) did not stop, but accelerated and fled the scene. The pedestrian who was hit lay on the ground, his life or death uncertain.

Qi Lin, a senior detective, has just received this case. He looked at the scene. It was a mess, but the vehicle involved in the accident had disappeared without a trace. Qi Lin took a deep breath. He knew that this case required him to go all out.

"This hit-and-run case must be investigated to get to the bottom of it." Qi Lin said firmly.

His assistant Wang Lina handed him a cup of coffee and said worriedly: "This case is very difficult. The vehicle that caused the accident left no clues, not even witnesses."

Qi Lin took a sip of coffee and pondered for a moment: "The vehicle that caused the accident left no clues, but there are cameras everywhere in this city. We can find traces of the vehicle that caused the accident through surveillance video.

Wang Lina nodded in agreement: "Then I'll contact the relevant departments to see if I can get the street surveillance video."

Qi Lin looked at her: "Very good, you go ahead and do it. In addition, we need to investigate the pedestrian who was hit to see if he has any special background or clues."

After Wang Lina left, Qi Lin began to study the case carefully. He looked through photos of the scene and analyzed every detail. A few hours later, he finally found an important clue - a tire mark of the vehicle that caused the accident.

"This tire mark should have been left by the vehicle that caused the accident when it braked in an emergency." Qi Lin said to himself, "This means that the vehicle that caused the accident had made an emergency stop on the street before fleeing the scene."

Qi Lin immediately contacted Wang Lina and told her this important clue. They began looking for traces of the vehicle involved in the incident through surveillance video. After several hours of hard work, they finally found the model and color of the vehicle involved, as well as the appearance of the driver.

"This driver is very suspicious." Wang Lina said, "He seems to know who the pedestrian was."

Qi Lin looked at her: "You found a new clue? Very good, continue to follow up."

In the next few days, Qi Lin and Wang Lina gradually uncovered the truth of this case through investigation and tracking. It turned out that the driver who caused the accident was the owner of a well-known company. He deliberately hit and killed the pedestrian because he was jealous of his achievements in the industry. .

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