Qi Lin was sitting in the office of the detective agency. Facing the mountains of documents and photos, he felt deeply tired. This is a complex smuggling case involving many suspects, witnesses and clues. He needs to concentrate and sort out every detail.

The phone suddenly rang, it was his assistant Xiao Yang. "Mr. Qi, a gentleman named Mr. Wang wants to see you. He said he has important information about the smuggling case." Xiao Yang's voice revealed tension and excitement.

Qi Lin frowned and said, "Let him in."

Soon, a tall and nervous man walked into the office. His face was pale and his hands were clenched. Qi Lin motioned for him to sit down, and then said with a smile: "Mr. Wang, I heard that you have information about the smuggling case? Please tell me."

Mr. Wang took a deep breath, "I...663...I..." He hesitated, seeming to be hesitating.

Qi Lin frowned and looked at him, "Mr. Wang, if you have important information, you need to tell me as soon as possible. You know, time is money."

Mr. Wang nodded and licked his dry lips, "I heard... I heard that the man behind this smuggling case was a businessman named Zhao Ming. He... He often interacts with gangsters and conducts illegal transactions."

Qi Lin nodded seriously, "Okay, thank you for the information. This is indeed an important clue. But we need more (ageh) evidence to prove Zhao Ming's crime." He paused and looked at Mr. Wang , “Are you willing to provide us with more evidence?”

Mr. Wang was obviously frightened by this question. He hesitated and said, "I...I need to think about it."

Qi Lin nodded, "Okay, you can go back and think about it. But please remember, we need more than just your accusation, we need evidence."

After Mr. Wang left, Qi Lin sat in the office, thinking deeply. He knew that this clue might lead him to find the truth about the smuggling case. But he also understands that this requires patience and wisdom.

In the next few days, Qi Lin and his assistant Xiao Yang began to investigate Zhao Ming. They collected Zhao Ming's financial records, communication records, travel records, etc. Each piece of evidence is like a puzzle piece, gradually forming a complete pattern.

In this process, Qi Lin encountered many difficulties and challenges. Some witnesses are unwilling to cooperate, and some clues seem meaningless. But he did not give up. He knew that only through unremitting efforts could he find the truth.

After weeks of investigation, they finally collected enough evidence. Zhao Ming's close dealings with gangsters, illegal transactions, abnormal financial flows, etc. are all under their control. Now, they just need to find a breakthrough and bring Zhao Ming to justice.

Qi Lin decided to conduct a raid on Zhao Ming's residence. He led the police to Zhao Ming's door and asked Zhao Ming to cooperate with the investigation. Zhao Ming was arrogant at first and refused to cooperate. But in the face of the irrefutable evidence of Qi Lin and Xiao Yang, he could not deny it in the end.

That night, Qi Lin and Xiao Yang sat in the office and watched Zhao Ming being taken away by the police. Qi Lin smiled and said, "We succeeded." Xiao Yang also smiled, "Yes, we succeeded."

Their success is not only due to their intelligence and perseverance, but also because of their persistent pursuit of justice.

One day he received a case about sewage discharge and immediately started investigating. .

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