Qi Lin quickly recorded the car's information and decided to investigate in person. He found the car owner's address and rang the doorbell. A middle-aged man opened the door. He looked nervous and anxious.

Hello, I am Detective Qi Lin, and I am here to investigate a hit-and-run case. I have reason to believe that your car may be involved in this case. Qi Lin said in a calm tone.

The man looked at Qi Lin in horror and stammered: "I...I really don't know what happened.

Qi Lin noticed the man's body language and reaction. He noticed the man's body language and reaction. Qi Lin decided to adopt a gentle and non-threatening approach to obtain more information.

Sir, please rest assured, I am not trying to suspect that you are the murderer. I just want to know something, or have you noticed any unusual or suspicious people or vehicles appearing around you?

The man seemed a little relieved and replied with a smile: To tell you the truth, I did hear the sound of a car crashing, but I didn't see what specifically happened. I was busy making dinner and just opened the window and heard the loud noise. I thought it was just a traffic accident on the road, so I didn't pay much attention to it. "

Qi Lin nodded and continued to ask: Can you describe the specific direction of the impact? From which direction did it come?

The man thought for a moment and then replied: Looking out the window of my house, it seems to be coming from the front right, about a few hundred meters away from here.

Qi Lin wrote this information down in his notebook and thanked the man for the clues. He knew more evidence was needed to prove whether the car was actually involved in the crash.

Next, Qi Lin decided to visit the surveillance cameras on nearby streets. He watched the video carefully and found a scene of a black car speeding past. Although the license plate number could not be clearly seen, Qi Lin noticed that there was indeed a sign on the rear of the car that matched the witness's description.

In order to confirm whether this car was the murder car in the hit-and-run accident, Qi Lin contacted the Urban Traffic Management Bureau, hoping to obtain more information about this vehicle. After some inquiries, he learned that the car belonged to a man named Li Qiang.

Qi Lin decided to go to Li Qiang's residence to investigate. When he arrived at Li Qiang's residence, he found that the door was open and there was no one inside. Scattered signs around the room suggested someone had left in a hurry. Qi Lin searched the entire room and found a diary.

He opened the diary and found that it recorded a series of suspicious activities. These records imply that Li Qiang was involved in an illegal transaction and planned to flee the city. Qi Lin becomes more and more convinced that Li Qiang is the murderer of the hit-and-run case.

Immediately afterwards, Qi Lin received an anonymous call, and the other party claimed to know important information about the hit-and-run case. Qi Lin immediately decided to meet with the other party.

In a remote coffee shop, Qi Lin met this mysterious informer. He is a middle-aged man who looks very nervous. The man revealed to Qi Lin that Li Qiang was being chased by a gang, and the hit-and-run case was just their trap.

After listening to the man's narrative, Qi Lin realized that the whole case was more complicated than he imagined. He decided to cooperate with the police and reveal these new clues to them. He shared information about Li Qiang and the gang organization with the police and proposed a cooperative operation to uncover the truth and bring the murderer to justice. .

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