"How could I not want to?" Qi Lin replied, "Innocent people were hurt like this, and we must find the perpetrator.

Xiao Li sighed and sat opposite Qi Lin. "I know your determination, but we really don't have any clues right now. The perpetrator just disappeared into thin air."

Qi Lin was silent for a moment, and then said: "The perpetrator will definitely show his flaws. What we can do now is to continue to look for clues about "047", starting with the vehicle that caused the accident.

In the next few days, Qi Lin and Xiao Li conducted a lot of investigations. They checked the surveillance video from that night, interviewed witnesses, and even checked nearby vehicles one by one. However, these efforts seem to have failed to find the mysterious perpetrator.

However, Qi Lin did not give up. He would silently analyze clues in his office every day and try to find a breakthrough. His conversations with Xiao Li have become more and more frequent. Together they discuss the details of the case and look for possible clues.

A week later, Qi Lin suddenly shouted in front of the computer screen. "I found it!" he told Xiao Li excitedly, "the license plate number of the vehicle involved in the accident appeared in another surveillance video."

Xiao Li immediately ran over and looked at the video on the computer screen. Sure enough, "The license plate string clearly appeared in the south." We found him, Xiao Li cheered.

They immediately notified the police and tracked the perpetrators. A few hours later, the police successfully arrested the perpetrator.

In the interrogation room, Qi Lin and Xiao Li looked at the perpetrator. He was a young man who looked panicked. "I know I made a mistake," he whispered, "but it was an accident. I really didn't expect anyone to get hurt."

"Since you know you made a mistake, why did you run away?" Qi Lin asked sternly.

The man lowered his head, "I'm scared. I know I should stop, but I'm too scared."

Qi Lin and Xiao Li looked at each other and saw the satisfaction in each other's eyes. They finally found the perpetrators and sought justice for the innocent victims.

"We did it," Xiao Li said with a smile, "we found the perpetrator."

Qi Lin nodded, "Yes, we did it. But this is just the beginning. We still have more cases waiting for us to solve." He looked out the window with firm eyes...

"This is our job, our responsibility."

In the early morning, the sun penetrates the thick clouds and shines on the streets and alleys of the city. People start their day in a hurry, but behind this bustling life, there are some unknown secrets hidden.

Qi Lin was sitting on the sofa in the office, looking at the scenery outside the window, thinking a lot. He is a detective who has solved countless difficult cases. Just then, the phone rang, breaking the tranquility.

"Hello, is this Detective Qi Lin?" An anxious voice came from the other end of the phone, "This is the city police station, and we need your help."

"What happened?" Qi Lin immediately sat up straight and was keenly aware of an unusual atmosphere.

"There was an arson case in a building in the city center last night. We need you to assist us in the investigation." The police said succinctly.

"Okay, I'll be right over." Qi Lin hung up the phone, picked up his coat, and hurried out of the office.

Qi Lin came to the scene. A tall building was engulfed in flames and black smoke billowed. Firefighters were nervously extinguishing the fire. He put on his gloves, walked into the ruins, and started looking for clues.

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