Qi Lin sat in the office, staring at the evidence and notes on the table, thinking about the clues to the case. He recalled the scene when the incident occurred, and he had an intuition in his heart - this case could be related to a certain person.

He picked up the phone and called the victims' families, asking about their daily lives and relationships. Qi Lin discovered that the victim had recently had a dispute with his business partner, and the other party had issued some threats.

This clue caught Qi Lin's attention. He decided to find this partner first and learn more details. After investigation, he found that his partner was not a good person and had colluded with the gang. This makes the case more complicated, but it also provides Qi Lin with an important direction.

Qi Lin decided to visit this partner. He tries to understand through dialogue what exactly is going on. When Qi Lin arrived at the suspect's residence, he found that the door was open and the house was in a mess.

Qi Lin carefully entered the room, looking for clues. On the table, he found a briefcase full of folders. He opened one of the folders and inside was a series of records about drug transactions. This gave him new revelations.

Just as Qi Lin was about to leave, he saw a locked drawer. He tried the correct combination several times, and the drawer was finally opened. There is a small bottle containing poison, with the words "No Solution ~ Medicine" engraved on it.

Qi Lin returned to the office and found the attending doctor with this key discovery. He showed the vial to the doctor and asked him what he knew about the poison.

The doctor frowned and said that this was an extremely rare poison with no known antidote. He further explained that this poison can quickly erode the organs in the human body, causing the victim to endure severe pain.

Qi Lin asked the doctor if it was possible to prepare an antidote to the poison. Doctors say that while they currently have no known antidote, treatments can be found through further research and experimental attempts.

Qi Lin knew that time was running out, so he decided to cooperate with doctors to find an antidote. They started running various chemical experiments in the lab [hoping to find an anti-toxic substance or some sort of neutralization map].

After several days of unremitting efforts, Qi Lin and the doctor finally succeeded in synthesizing a seemingly effective antidote. They conducted preliminary tests and found that the antidote neutralized the poison in vitro.

After learning that the antidote was initially effective, Qi Lin hurriedly contacted the victim and his family. They took the victim to the hospital and immediately began injecting him with the antidote.

After some painstaking treatment, the victim's body gradually returned to normal. His family was filled with gratitude and expressed their heartfelt thanks to Qi Lin and the doctor.

Qi Lin is not satisfied with just saving the victim's life, he is determined to find out who poisoned him and bring the criminal to justice. He returned to the crime scene (ok, ok) and re-examined the evidence and clues.

Through in-depth analysis of the evidence, Qi Lin gradually made a new discovery. He found a note left in the victim's office that read "`||You will never have a cure."

This reminded Qi Lin of the briefcase and related records he had discovered before. He speculated that the poison may have been obtained from this partner, who may have colluded with the gang and intended to murder the victim. .

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