When they broke into the suspect's hiding place, they found it empty. It seems that the suspect had already received the news and fled the scene.

However, Qi Lin was not discouraged. He quickly launched a series of tracking operations, using various channels to collect information and find traces of the suspect.

After some hard work, Qi Lin finally identified the mastermind behind the arson case. It turned out that this was a criminal operation organized by an illegal group called "053". They used arson to cause public panic and provide cover for their illegal activities.

Qi Lin cooperated with the police and successfully arrested the mastermind and his members.

The basic facts of the case are simple: a young woman suddenly disappears in front of her family. No clues were left, and the family fell into extreme panic. Qi Lin received requests for help from his family and immediately launched an investigation.

He first had detailed conversations with his family. Qi Lin sat on the sofa in the living room and looked at the woman's parents. The father sat upright, his forehead full of anxious sweat; the mother clutched the handkerchief tightly, her eyes full of helplessness and worry.

"Can you tell me more information about your daughter?" Qi Lin asked gently.

The father said with a trembling voice: "Her name is Xiaoyu, she just graduated from college this year. She is an excellent student, very lively and cheerful. We really don't understand why she disappeared suddenly

The mother wiped her tears and added: "Xiaoyu has never had a dispute with anyone, nor has he been threatened. All our relatives and friends are shocked by this sudden incident."

Qi Lin nodded and began to think about this case. He knew that to solve such a case, he had to look for clues from all angles.

The next morning, Qi Lin went to the place where Xiaoyu often went. He first went to Xiaoyu's university and talked with Xiaoyu's classmates. Qi Lin spent several hours interviewing several classmates and was finally convinced that no one had any ill intentions towards Xiao Yu. They all expressed their concerns and blessings to Xiaoyu.

Next, Qi Lin went to a bookstore where Xiaoyu often visited. He talked a lot about Xiao Yu with the bookstore owner, hoping to find some clues to solve the case. The boss said that Xiaoyu is a girl who loves reading very much, and she likes crime novels and mystery novels... Qi Lin quickly checked Xiaoyu's recent book purchase records and found that she recently bought a novel about a trafficking case.

This clue made Qi Lin feel a little excited. He decided to study the novel in depth, hoping to find some useful clues. He returned to the office, flipping through the novel, and thinking about possible development directions.

A few days later, Qi Lin finally found a key clue in the novel. He found that the abduction case in the novel was very similar to Xiaoyu's situation, and could even be said to be exactly the same. This discovery made Qi Lin more certain that Xiaoyu's disappearance was closely related to the story in this novel.

Qi Lin quickly contacted Xiaoyu's 3.4 parents to tell them about this important discovery and explained that Xiaoyu might be in danger. In order to further investigate, Qi Lin decided to find the author of this novel, hoping to obtain more information.

After some investigation, Qi Lin finally found the address of the author's residence. He came to a dilapidated apartment building and pressed the doorbell. A moment later "an elderly writer appeared at the door.

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