"Any clues?" Qi Lin squatted down and carefully inspected the burned items.

"We haven't found any obvious clues yet." Xiao Wang shook his head.

"Then let's talk to the witnesses first." Qi Lin stood up and patted the dust on his trouser legs.

They found an eyewitness, a middle-aged woman, who tremblingly described the scene: "I, I saw a man in black clothes leaving the building in a hurry. Then I heard an explosion, and then there was a fire. ....

Qi Lin frowned after listening to the witness's description: "The man in black clothes? Did you see his face clearly?"

"No, he was wearing a hat and a mask and couldn't see his face clearly," the witness replied.

Qi Lin nodded: "Okay, thank you for your cooperation. We will continue the investigation." After saying that, he turned around to look for other clues. He knew that in order to solve the arson case of 500, more evidence must be found. Over the next few hours, he and his team members carefully searched the scene for possible clues and evidence. They found several burning remnants, some broken glass and charred wood. These items (ccfj) were carefully collected and prepared to be taken back to the laboratory for further analysis.

After several days of investigation and evidence collection, Qi Lin and his team mastered some key information. They detected the composition of flammable liquids from the remaining burning materials, which further confirmed the suspicion of arson. However, they remain in the dark about the suspect's identity and motives.

That night, Qi Lin sat alone in the office, thinking about the details of the case. He took out his notebook and began to sort out the known clues and evidence, trying to find a breakthrough. Just then, the phone rang.

"Hello? I'm Qi Lin." He answered the phone.

"Detective Qi, this is Xiao Li. I discovered some interesting things when I was analyzing the components of the burning materials." The excited voice of assistant Xiao Li came from the other end of the phone.

"Oh? Tell me." Qi Lin became interested.

"In addition to flammable liquids, I also detected a special chemical substance. This substance is usually used to make fireworks, but it rarely appears in arson cases." Xiao Li explained

Qi Lin thought for a moment after hearing this: "Fireworks...could this be related to the suspect's motive?"

"I guess this may be a provocation or misleading behavior. The suspect may want to attract our attention in this way and make us mistakenly think that this is just a simple arson case." Xiao Li analyzed.

"It makes sense. Then we will start from this direction, the source and use records of the chemical substance in the back." Qi Lin made a decisive decision.

After a period of in-depth investigation, Qi Lin and Xiao Li finally found the source of that special chemical substance. It turned out that this substance was produced by a fireworks factory, which happened to be located near the building where the fire broke out. Through further tracking and investigation, they identified Xiao Zhang, an employee who once worked at the fireworks factory, as a suspect. When facing police questioning, Xiao Zhang finally broke down and admitted his crime. He set fire to the building because of a personal vendetta. The truth of the case finally came to light.

Qi Lin sat on the sofa in the office, looking at the case documents in his hands, frowning. Another kidnapping case, this is the third one this month. He couldn't help but sigh, how could anyone do such a thing in this society. .

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