"Are you okay?" Qi Lin asked with concern.

The woman raised her head and looked at Qi Lin in surprise. "Who are you? Why are you here?"

"I am Qi Lin, a detective. I am here to investigate this abduction case and intend to bring all relevant criminals to justice. What is your name?"

"My name is Yang Liu. I was trafficked by these people, and they used me for illegal transactions. I have been detained in this "397" for several weeks. They torture me every day, asking me to share with them Give some important information." Yang Liu's voice was full of helplessness and fear.

Qi Lin nodded solemnly, realizing the suffering she had endured. "Don't worry, Yang Liu. I will protect you. Tell me, have you heard any clues about this organization?"

Yang Liu thought for a moment and then replied: "I heard them talking about a man called 'Black Dragon'. It seems that he is their leader and controls the entire trafficking gang. In addition, I also remember that they mentioned a dock , that's probably where they used to trade.

"Very well, Yangliu. This is a big clue for me. You leave this place now and find a safe place to hide. I will continue to investigate and bring these criminals to justice as soon as possible."

"Thank you, Mr. Qi. Please be careful. They are very dangerous and they will not tolerate the existence of betrayers." After Yang Liu finished speaking, he stood up tremblingly and prepared to leave.

Qi Lin stared at Yang Liu's retreating back, his heart filled with anger and determination. He realized that the case was more complicated than he thought. He needs more clues to reveal the true face of this trafficking gang.

A few days later, Qi Lin met his partner Artai in a tavern. Artest is a senior black market trader who has been involved in various criminal groups all year round. He is the only person Qi Lin can contact and can provide some key information.

"Artest, I need your help."

Artai raised his eyebrows, interested in Qilin's request. He picked up the glass and took a sip, then asked: "Is this a big case? Do you have any clues?

"Yes, this is an important trafficking case. I have rescued one of the victims who was in custody and she mentioned a ringleader named 'Black Dragon' [and mentioned a dock that might have been the location of the transaction.... ........Now I need more clues to track this gang down.

Artest pondered for a moment, and then said: "The 'Black Dragon' sounds like a high-level person. They probably have a huge organizational network. If we want to track them, we need to find their communication channels and contacts. I know a well-informed Black market traders may be able to provide us with some information.

Qi Lin nodded in agreement. They decide to head to the location of the black market dealer Artest mentioned.

When they arrived at the busy alley, Qi Lin felt a tense atmosphere. They carefully walked through the crowd and finally came to a small, dim store. Artest opened the door and they walked into the store.

The store is filled with a variety of merchandise, from antiques to valuable works of art. Behind the counter sat a middle-aged man who looked wise and cunning.

"Artai, have you brought new guests?" the middle-aged man asked, with a hint of ridicule in his voice. .

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