After the team sorted out all the evidence collected, Qi Lin walked into the Sheriff's office again. He put the entire set of investigation materials on the table and carefully reported the latest investigation results to the police chief.

"Chief Lieutenant Li Ming, we have found more evidence to support our previous accusations. This document called the tree source record, as well as the huge amount of cash paid by Chen Hua to unknown persons, are all his involvement in illegally cutting down trees. Conclusive evidence. And we also found a secret warehouse filled with illegally felled trees. This evidence is enough to bring Chen Hua to justice and make him answer for his crimes."

Sheriff Li Ming took the investigation information and nodded while reading it. "Qi Lin, you and your team have done an outstanding job. Your efforts and perseverance have brought this case to light. I will submit these evidences to the procuratorate and issue an arrest warrant immediately. Chen Hua and his gang must fight for There is a price to pay for their crimes.

This time, his goal is to solve a sewage discharge case. This case has troubled local residents for a long time. It not only caused serious pollution to the environment but also threatened people's health in the living area.

Qi Lin came to the scene of the incident, an abandoned factory building. He passed through the rickety door and entered the interior. The dim lights and debris on the floor made the whole scene even more eerie. Qi Lin searched carefully, looking for clues with a professional eye.

Suddenly, he heard a small sound. He stopped and looked at the source of the sound alertly. A young woman stood there with a hint of fear in her eyes

"Who are you? Why are you here?" Qi Lin approached her and asked.

The woman flinched for a moment, but then relaxed. "My name is Lin Qian, and I am one of the nearby residents. I am very concerned about this, so I decided to come here to have a look."

"Do you know any information about this case?" Qi Lin asked.

Lin Qian nodded. "I heard that the factory closed suddenly a few months ago, but since then, the nearby river began to behave abnormally. People began to feel the stench and discomfort, and even (acbc) some people's physical conditions became worse The worse."

Qi Lin frowned. "This shows that there may be a problem with the factory's discharge system, causing sewage to directly enter the nearby river." He continued after thinking for a moment, "We need to find out who will benefit from it, maybe someone with an interest in the factory."

Lin Qian thought for a while. "I have heard about a businessman named Li Yu who is said to have been trying to acquire the factory. People suspect that he may have forced the factory to close by controlling the emission system in order to buy it at a lower price."

A glimmer of light flashed in Qi Lin's eyes. "It seems that Li Yu is indeed one of our suspects. We have to go talk to him."

As the investigation deepened, Qi Lin and Lin Qian discovered more doubts. They discovered that the factory's emission system had been vandalized, and evidence related to Li Yu gradually surfaced.

When Qi Lin found Li Yu, Li Yu seemed very nervous. "Who are you? Why are you looking for me?" He tried to hide his uneasiness.

Qi Lin looked at him and said firmly: "We are investigators investigating this sewage discharge case. We have reason to believe that you are related to this case.

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