Qi Lin walked towards the man and patted him gently on the shoulder. "Everyone makes mistakes sometimes. The important thing is that we can realize our mistakes and work hard to make up for them. Let us work together to change you and let you regain hope in life."

Subsequently, Qi Lin and Li Ming arrested the man and sent him to the police station for further investigation. They launched a comprehensive investigation, collected evidence and cooperated with relevant departments to ensure that the case was handled fairly.

Detective Qi Lin stepped into a private zoo located in the urban area. It was once a prosperous and beautiful place, but now it is full of gloom. He met the owner Li Chenyang at reception desk 800.

"Hello, Mr. Li. I am Qi Lin." Qi Lin held Li Chenyang's hand and said with a smile.

Li Chenyang's face was a little nervous and worried, "Are you here to investigate the case of animal trafficking in our park?"

"Yes. I heard that your park is suspected of illegally selling rare animals, so I came here to investigate." Qi Lin replied.

Li Chenyang looked tired. These accusations were unfounded. I have never been involved in any illegal activity.

"I understand. But someone reported your park, so I have to conduct an investigation. Please tell me the details of the case." Qi Lin requested.

Li Chenyang nodded, "Okay, I'll take you to the crime scene."

The two came to a sealed warehouse in the park. Qi Lin looked around and found a large number of cages and animal feed placed indoors.

"This is the most suspicious place. We found some evidence here." Li Chenyang pointed to a box in the corner and said.

Qi Lin stepped forward and opened the box. Inside is a pile of skins and skeletons of precious animals.

"Where do these come from?" Qi Lin asked.

"I don't know. Only me and a few employees have the right to enter this warehouse, and they have no such motive." Li Chenyang replied.

Qi Lin started to check other places, and he found a note, (afag) which said: "The next batch of goods will be delivered tomorrow.

Qi Lin decided to find out the clues behind the note first. He summoned all employees in the park for questioning.

The first person to be brought to the interrogation room was the park’s veterinarian, Wang Xiaohua.

"Dr. Wang, can you tell me about that note?" Qi Lin asked.

Wang Xiaohua looked at Qi Lin nervously, "I really don't know. I am only responsible for the health examination and treatment of animals. I know nothing about trafficking activities."

Qi Lin noticed that Wang Xiaohua's expression was a little unnatural, but did not immediately conduct further interrogation on him.

Next, Qi Lin asked the park administrator, Zhang Jianguo.

"Mr. Zhang, you have worked here for many years. Have you noticed any suspicious behavior?" Qi Lin asked.

Zhang Jianguo frowned, "To tell you the truth, I once found a stranger breaking into the park late at night. But when I went to check, he had already escaped.

Qi Lin thought for a moment and continued to ask other employees, but found no useful clues.

Throughout the entire investigation process, Qi Lin always felt that something was wrong. He feels that this case is not simple, and there may be a deeper conspiracy hidden behind it.

He decided to return to the crime scene to look for clues again. He examined the note carefully and found a faint trace of ink. He took it back to the lab for analysis. .

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