Li Chenyang nodded silently, knowing that he had no choice but to face reality and bear the consequences.

Qi Lin handed Li Chenyang to the police and explained in detail the investigation process of the entire case and the evidence found. With his assistance, the police successfully rescued the imprisoned rare animals and arrested other persons involved in the case.

Qi Lin came to the scene of the crime and frowned when he looked at the messy branches on the ground and the remaining "zero-nine-zero" traces of sawing marks. He knew that to solve the puzzle, more clues and information were needed. So, he found Zhao Ming, the police officer in charge of the case at the local police station.

"Officer Zhao, can you tell me more details about these tree-cutting cases?" Qi Lin asked.

Zhao Ming looked at Qi Lin. He had heard about his reputation for a long time, and there was a feeling of expectation in his heart. "Mr. Qi, these cases of illegal felling of trees have been happening for about a month, and there are currently six cases. We have found similar traces at each crime scene. The stolen trees are mainly precious redwood and camphor wood."

Qi Lin nodded, thought for a moment and then said: "What are the characteristics of the way these trees were cut down?"

Zhao Ming replied: "We found that these trees were cut down at night, and the murderer seemed to be very cautious and left no unnecessary clues. We also investigated nearby residents, but no witnesses were found."

Qi Lin thought and realized that this case was not simple. He needs more information to track down the killer. He decided to conduct an on-site inspection first.

Qi Lin began to search carefully along the crime scene, and he found some tiny footprints on the ground. He squatted down and looked carefully with a magnifying glass. These footprints are not regular soles, but seem to be left by a special kind of shoe.

He immediately found a mahogany fragment, which made him even more certain that the target of this case was the precious mahogany. As he continued to search, he noticed a striking detail. These hacking acts occurred close to the road, which indicated that the murderer might use a vehicle to commit the crime.

Qi Lin returned to the police station and found Zhao Ming. "I found some clues." He said, "First of all, the murderers should be professional tree felling workers, because they know the value of redwood and camphor wood very well. Secondly, they probably have their own vehicles used to transport stolen trees. trees. We need to investigate nearby wood processing plants or logging companies to see if there are any suspicious behaviors..."

Zhao Ming nodded in agreement after hearing this: "Your reasoning seems very reasonable. We can track the transportation records of the local wood processing factory to see if there are any suspicious transactions. We hope to find some breakthroughs. In addition, while we wait, "While investigating the results, I recommend increasing the number of police patrols, especially in areas close to roads, to prevent more trees from being cut down."

Zhao Ming listened carefully to Qi Lin's suggestion and nodded in agreement: "You are right, we will immediately adjust the police deployment and strengthen the monitoring of wood processing plants and logging companies. If any suspicious behavior or clues appear, We will notify you as soon as possible.17

A few days later, the survey results came out 2.3. Zhao Ming came to Qi Lin with important information.

"Mr. Qi, our investigation found that there is indeed suspicious behavior in a wood processing factory. In their transportation records in the past month, a large number of mahogany and camphor wood transactions frequently appeared. Moreover, the name of the person in charge of this wood processing factory His name is Wang Feng, he is a former tree cutter, and he knows the value of redwood and camphor wood very well."

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