Qi Lin and his team spent several weeks working intensely and efficiently. After analysis, they found that all arson cases occurred in old apartment buildings. Most of these buildings were purchased by real estate developers and converted into high-end apartments. Qi Lin speculated that someone behind the scenes may have deliberately set the fires in order to redevelop these plots of land.

While tracking the suspect, Qi Lin learned that a real estate developer named Chen Jie had frequently purchased these old buildings in the recent past and planned to carry out large-scale redevelopment. He decided to investigate Chen Jie as an important clue.

Qi Lin went to Chen Jie's office with the police, hoping to find more evidence. Facing the pressure from the police, Chen Jie seemed a little nervous.

Qi Lin: Mr. Chen, we have noticed that you have recently purchased old apartment buildings frequently and plan to redevelop them. We are investigating a series of arson cases. Does this concern you?

Chen Jie: (Nervously) Sir, I am just a real estate developer. I have never participated in any illegal activities. You have no evidence against me.

Qi Lin: We understand that you have purchased a number of old apartment buildings in recent months, and arson cases happened to occur in these buildings. Is this just a coincidence? We need you to provide some relevant documents and contracts for investigation.

The police showed some of the physical evidence collected and forced Chen Jie to hand over relevant documents in his possession. After careful study, they discovered something suspicious.

Qi Lin decided to talk to Yang Chen face to face again, because she may have more information related to the case. They agreed to meet in a cafe, and Qi Lin hoped to get more clues from her.

Qi Lin: Miss Yang, thank you for showing up again and being willing to cooperate with us. Our previous investigation found that a real estate developer named Chen Jie was suspected of being involved in the arson case. Do you know him?

Yang Chen: Chen Jie? Of course you know him. He is my father’s friend. But I don't think he would be involved in the arson case.

Qi Lin: Can you tell me about your father’s friendship with Chen Jie?

Yang Chen: My father has cooperated with Chen Jie on several real estate projects, and they have always maintained a good relationship. But I didn't expect Chen Jie to do such a thing.

Through the conversation with Yang Chen, Qi Lin began to suspect that Chen Jie was not the mastermind behind the case, but was being used by others. He decided to conduct a deeper investigation into Chen Jie and continued to look for other possible clues.

Qi Lin and his team conducted an in-depth investigation over the next few weeks. They tracked Chen Jie's financial records and interviewed others involved in the real estate project. They discovered some unusual transactions and connections, suggesting that a larger criminal network may be hidden behind it.

During the investigation, Qi Lin received an anonymous call. The other party claimed to have important information about the arson case and wanted to meet Qi Lin. Qi Lin decided to go to the agreed place and waited nervously for the appearance of this mysterious man.

When the appointed time came (Manuo Zhao), a man wearing a hat appeared in front of Qi Lin. He looked tense and alert.

Qi Lin: Are you the person who made the anonymous call? Do you have any important clues?

Mysterious Man: Yes, I have key evidence on the arson case. But I will only disclose this information to you as long as you guarantee my safety.

Qi Lin: I assure you that as long as you provide valuable information, we will take necessary measures to ensure your safety. .

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