Luoyang's face changed slightly, and he understood that he could no longer hide the fact. He sighed, and then admitted: "Okay, I admit, I am involved in smuggling activities. But this is not my behavior alone, I am just a small role in it.

Qi Lin frowned slightly, realizing that this case was far more complicated than he imagined. "Tell me, who else is behind this? I need to know the full story.

Luoyang was silent for a moment, then began to talk about how the entire smuggling network operates and the mastermind behind it.

It turns out that Luoyang is just a small leader in this smuggling gang. They use warehouses as distribution centers for contraband and then transport the goods out of the country through ports. These smuggled goods include a variety of high-value goods, such as jewelry, art and antiques. The man behind this gang is the leader of a mysterious international criminal organization who conducts smuggling activities around the world.

Qi Lin was even more shocked when he heard this. He realized that this was not just an ordinary smuggling case, but involved a huge transnational criminal network. He is determined to completely uncover this case and bring the criminals to justice.

Qi Lin began to investigate this smuggling gang. He collected a large number of clues and evidence, cooperated with the police, and established an action team responsible for tracking and arresting.

In the following weeks, Qi Lin and his team launched a series of covert operations. They tracked the flow of smuggled goods and discovered dens and meeting points hidden throughout the city.

After unremitting efforts, they gradually destroyed important parts of this smuggling gang and arrested many people involved. However, the mastermind hidden behind the scenes has not yet appeared.

Qi Lin understands that in order to completely destroy this criminal network, he must track the identity and whereabouts of the black hand. He began to investigate the background and connections of the mastermind in depth, trying to find clues that could expose him.

Through patient investigation and detailed analysis, Qi Lin finally identified a suspect, a seemingly insignificant vendor. He speculated that this small trader may be the agent on the ground of the mastermind behind the scenes, responsible for the specific smuggling operation.

Qi Lin decided to launch a secret investigation into this small vendor, hoping to obtain more information from him about the man behind the scenes.

He turned into a buyer and contacted small traders... Qi Lin met the small traders in a remote alley. After the two exchanged passwords, they began to talk about smuggling activities.

"I heard that you have some high-value goods here, right?" Qi Lin asked deliberately.

The vendor looked at Qi Lin warily, then nodded and replied: "Yes, but these are very special items and are expensive." 1

Qi Lin pretended to be interested, "I'm very interested in unique things. Can you show me some?"

The vendor looked around to make sure no one was watching nearby, and then took out a small box. He slowly opened the box, which shone with various jewelry, artwork, and antiques.

Qi Lin's heart moved. 1.9 These are the target items smuggled by the mastermind behind the scenes. He began to communicate with the small traders, trying to get more information from him.

"Where do these things come from?" Qi Lin asked.

The vendor hesitated for a moment, and then replied in a low voice: "I am just a small person, and I don't know the specific source. But I can help you contact the big boss behind the scenes, and he will give you more information."

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