At this moment, Qi Lin received a call. The other party claimed to be an anonymous person and claimed that he knew important information about the case. Qi Lin decided to meet this anonymous person, hoping to find a breakthrough.

The meeting place was a quiet cafe. Qi Lin arrived early and sat in a corner waiting. After a while, a man wearing sunglasses appeared in front of him.

"Are you Qi Lin?" the man asked.

"Yes, I am Qi Lin. You said you have important information about this case?" Qi Lin asked.

The man nodded and began to tell what he knew. According to him, the deceased had an affair with a wealthy businessman. He suspected that something ulterior happened between the businessman and the deceased, which might have triggered the murder.

Qi Lin was secretly happy, feeling that he was getting closer and closer to the truth. He decided to take this clue back to the criminal investigation team for further investigation.

After investigating the businessman, Qi Lin and Li Yawen finally found the key evidence. By analyzing surveillance video and a series of testimonies, they learned that the businessman and the deceased had indeed had an affair, and that this relationship had triggered a fierce quarrel. According to witnesses, they had a violent fight in the villa the night before the incident.

Qi Lin calmly analyzed the information and began to paint a possible crime scene. The victim had just finished the confrontation with the businessman, and the two were very emotional. Then the murderer took the opportunity to kill the victim and tried to cover up his criminal behavior. But the problem is that there are no witnesses or direct evidence to confirm the identity of the murderer.

In the next few days, Qi Lin and Li Yawen concentrated on investigating the suspect's background and whereabouts. They discovered that the businessman's financial situation was poor and that he had recently purchased a large life insurance policy. This makes the businessman an even more suspicious suspect.

In order to further confirm their suspicions, Qi Lin asked the forensic doctor to conduct an autopsy on the victim. The results showed that the victim died from a special poison, which was uncommon and the dose was very precise.

With this groundbreaking evidence, Qi Lin decided to interrogate the businessman. He and Li Yawen went to the businessman's residence together to prepare to arrest the suspect.

When Qi Lin and Li Yawen arrived at the merchant's residence, they found that he was preparing to leave the city. Qi Lin immediately ordered an interception and then had a fierce confrontation with the businessman.

"Do you think you can escape?" Qi Lin's voice was full of determination.

The businessman looked pale, but he insisted on denying all accusations.

*`"You have no evidence at all! I am innocent!" the businessman shouted.

"We have enough evidence to bring you to justice!" Qi Lin replied firmly.

During the ongoing interrogation, the businessman began to become nervous. Inconsistencies began to appear in his confession, and eventually he was forced to admit that he had an affair with the victim and that he had planned her death.

The businessman explained that he was overwhelmed by the loss of property and decided to murder the victim in order to obtain a huge insurance compensation. (Wang Zhaohao) Qi Lin sneered and looked at the businessman.

"Do you think murder can solve your problems? But you ignore the sanctions of the law!"

In view of the businessman's confession to the crime, Qi Lin arrested him and brought him back to the criminal investigation team to await further trial.

In the subsequent trial, Qi Lin and Li Yawen appeared as witnesses and provided key evidence and witness descriptions. After fierce debate and proceedings, the court finally found the businessman guilty and sentenced him to life imprisonment.

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