The police officer looked at the piece of paper and asked doubtfully: "What does this mean?

"This is probably a password, and it looks like a certain sequence. We need to find a way to decrypt it and see what secrets this password hides." Qi Lin said with interest.

They put the scrap of paper into a folder and set it aside for now. Next, they started questioning the clerk.

Qi Lin and police officer "303" launched rounds of questioning, leaving a puzzle of questions in front of each store employee. Those questions seem unrelated, but Seal firmly believes that they contain answers.

A few days later, Qi Lin finally compiled some information. Every employee's answer had one thing in common: after the theft, they all received a strange phone call and were asked to complete a task.

"This is very strange. Why did the thieves notify them first?" Qi Lin thought.

At this time, the police officer brought a record with the phone numbers of all the store employees.

"I found that these calls were all made from the same public phone box!" the police officer said excitedly.

Qi Lin took the record and began to study it. He noticed another line of numbers on the paper: "12-15-20-21-4-9-14-7".

"This must be related to the password in the previous line. We need to decipher these two passwords to maybe find the truth about the theft." Qi Lin said thoughtfully.

He took out a piece of paper and a pen and began to speculate on the meaning. After some thinking, he thought of a possible clue.

"These numbers look like the positions of letters. If we take the corresponding letters according to their order in the alphabet, will we find anything?" Qi Lin asked expectantly.

The police officers were also attracted by Qi Lin's idea, and they quickly calculated the letters corresponding to each number.

"2 corresponds to B, 5 corresponds to E, 9, 14 corresponds to N..." Qi Lin muttered.

Finally, they obtained the decrypted results of two passwords:

First password: "BEING"

Second password: "LUTING" (string)

"There are strings...what does that mean?" the police officer asked confused...

Qi Lin narrowed his eyes. He felt that this clue was very crucial and might point to the answer to the theft.

"The strings not only represent music, but also represent a connection. Perhaps an item in the jewelry store is closely related to music." Qi Lin speculated.

They returned to the jewelry store and began to look for clues related to music. They inspected every exhibit and carefully observed every corner.

Suddenly, they noticed a small guqin placed on the counter. The strings are adjusted so neatly that one can't help but guess whether there is some kind of message hidden there.

Qi Lin gently plucked the strings and heard a faint sound. He listened carefully and gradually recognized the melody.

"This 2.1 is... Beethoven's "Symphony of Destiny"!" Qi Lin said in surprise.

Qi Lin and the police officer conducted a more in-depth study of the melody on the strings. They discovered that there was a sequence of notes hidden in the melody. This sequence is a password [It is important to find the correct decryption method.

After a long period of analysis, trial and error and reasoning, Qi Lin finally successfully cracked the code and obtained the final answer. .

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