Max relaxed his vigilance slightly, thinking that Qi Lin might be a wealthy collector. So he started talking about his business.

"Well, since you are so interested, I can provide you with some rare animals, but the prerequisite is that you must find someone I trust. This industry is risky, and I cannot expose the supply channels to you casually.

Qi Lin nodded, expressing understanding. He knew that to gain Max's trust, he had to put in some effort.

"So, please tell me how to find someone you trust. I'm willing to take some extra risks to get these rare animals. 13"

Max looked at Qi Lin and felt that he seemed serious, and began to consider whether to share some inside information. Then, he coughed and whispered: "Okay, if you are really sincere, I can tell you something. But remember, this information must not be leaked, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous.

Qi Lin nodded solemnly, indicating that he understood.

"I will introduce you to a person named Zhang Kai, who is one of the key figures in our trafficking network. As far as I know, he often conducts transactions with suppliers in a coffee shop called "Green Leaf". However, it is not easy to enter "Green Leaf". You need to solve the access control system there first before you can be accepted and gain Zhang Kai's trust.

Qi Lin looked at Max gratefully.

"Thank you for your help, Max. I will go all out to complete the task and find the person you trust as soon as possible. If we can successfully crack down on this trafficking network and protect the rare animals, it will be a good deed. 10

Max smiled and nodded.

"I hope you can do it. But please be careful, these people are not easy to deal with. Their relationship is complicated, and there may be greater forces hidden behind them. I wish you good luck, Qi Lin.

Qi Lin stood up, exchanged contact information with Max, and left the cafe. He knew in his heart that this was just a breakthrough in the case, and there were still many difficulties and challenges waiting for him.

After a series of investigations and preparations, Qi Lin decided to enter the "Green Leaf" coffee shop to look for a key figure named Zhang Kai. He has learned that the access control system is the first line of defense for this trafficking network and must be successfully passed before he can enter the interior.

Qi Lin came outside the "Green Leaf" coffee shop and carefully observed the surrounding environment. This is a seemingly ordinary coffee shop, but for those familiar with this trafficking network, it is a very special place.

He noticed a fingerprint recognition device at the door, which was part of the access control system. Qi Lin knew that he needed to obtain a legal fingerprint to pass smoothly.

He decided to adopt a risky strategy. He waited outside the coffee shop for a while, until a waiter came out of the coffee shop, holding a coffee cup and planning to pour it away. Qi Lin quickly approached, gently placed his palm on the cup, and obtained the waiter's fingerprints.

Next, he dressed up as a laundry worker, wearing a uniform and mask, holding a toolbox for cleaning coffee cups. He took a deep breath, walked confidently to the access control system, and put his fingerprint on the reader.

"Identification passed, please enter.

Qi Lin smiled slightly and successfully passed the first level. He pushed open the door of the coffee shop and looked around, looking for any trace of Zhang Kai. The store was lively and noisy, with people talking and laughing one after another. He approached the counter and pretended to order a cup of coffee, his ears perked up for possible clues. .

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