Qi Lin stood at the crime scene, looking around, and a messy scene came into view. The trees were incomplete, and it seemed that many had been cut down. He frowned and began to search for clues carefully. Suddenly, a figure flashed from behind the tree, and Qi Lin caught him.

"What's wrong with you? Why do you have to cut down so many trees?" Qi Lin asked seriously.

The man's expression was tense and he was speechless for a moment. Qi Lin could feel the anxiety and uneasiness in his heart.

"I can assure you that I am just a small laborer, hired to cut down trees. I don't know why I do this." He stammered in reply.

Qi Lin observed the other party calmly, trying to judge whether he was telling the truth. 760 He noticed that the man's eyes were flickering, as if he was hiding some information.

"Tell me, who is your employer? How much did he pay you?" Qi Lin gradually relaxed his tone, trying to win the other party's trust.

"I really don't know his name, it's just an intermediary I contacted by phone. He pays me a sum of money each time, but asks me to keep silent." The man replied in a panic.

Qi Lin thought for a moment and decided to continue asking.

"Tell me the time and place of your last communication, we need to investigate this intermediary.

The (bdci) person hesitated and finally revealed the information.

"Last Friday, he called me and asked me to wait for him at the edge of the woods. He drove a black car, but I didn't see his face.

Qi Lin's heart moved, and he knew that this clue might be very important. He patted the other person's shoulder, expressed his gratitude, and rushed to the police station as soon as possible.

In the police station, Qi Lin revealed the progress of the case and his findings to his friend, senior criminal investigation police officer Li Jianguo.

"Brother Li, I suspect this is the work of an organized criminal gang. They hire small workers through an agency to cut down trees to conceal their true purpose. We should investigate this agency and see if we can find more clues."

Li Jianguo frowned and thought seriously for a while.

"Qi Lin, your idea makes sense. We will check the call records to see if there are any other clues that can lead to the identity of the individuals involved and their whereabouts.

The two began to systematically investigate the call records, carefully analyze the traces left at the crime scene, and compare them with other similar cases. After some efforts, they found a suspicious phone number and frequently contacted young workers.

They quickly launched a tracking operation and finally locked the suspect's hiding place. When they raided the area, the suspect tried to escape but was successfully subdued.

"Tell me who is behind the scenes and why they cut down so many trees." Qi Lin asked the arrested suspect sternly.

The suspect was stunned for a moment, then showed a mocking smile.

"Do you think you can find the truth just by yourself? You don't know anything!

Qi Lin stared at him calmly, not swayed by the suspect's words.

"Tell us the truth, or you will face more severe punishment. Helping us is your only way out.

The suspect looked at Qi Lin's firm gaze and finally relaxed.

"The intermediary was just my contact, and they hired us to cut down the trees, actually to cover up their illegal mineral mining activities. The place where these trees are located is rich in rare minerals, and they want to obtain these resources secretly to make huge profits profit.".

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