"Can you describe the characteristics of the getaway car?" Qi Lin asked.

"It was a black car that looked relatively new. I remember there was a damaged headlight on the front, which should have been broken after hitting someone. But I didn't see the license plate number clearly." the witness replied.

"Thank you for the information," Qi Lin said, "You did a great job. If you have any other details, please feel free to tell me.

Qi Lin then conducted some investigation at the scene. He carefully observed the marks around the impact point, looking for any clues that could help him identify the suspect vehicle.

Suddenly, Qi Lin found a small metal piece on the ground. He lowered his head to pick it up and noticed some slight scratches on it.

"This is part of the vehicle," Qi Lin thought in his mind. He immediately protected the metal piece and planned to send it to the laboratory for further analysis.

That night, Qi Lin and his assistant Xiao Yang had an in-depth discussion of the case in the office.

"Based on the witnesses' descriptions and traces at the scene, we can preliminarily determine that the fleeing vehicle was a black car with damaged front lights," Qi Lin said.

"Then how can we find the specific vehicle?" Xiao Yang asked.

"We can start from two directions," Qi Lin explained. "First, we need to collect as many witnesses as possible. They may provide more detailed information. Second, we can do this by investigating nearby auto repair shops or Used car market to see if anyone had repaired the headlights on the front of a black sedan."

The next day, Qi Lin and Xiao Yang acted separately and launched investigation work. They visited nearby residents one by one to look for new clues about the hit-and-run case.

In a community, they met a witness named Ms. Wang. She lives near the scene of the incident and happened to hear the crash and rushed to the window.

"Thank you very much for the information [Ms. Wang]. It is very important to our investigation. Can you tell me the first few digits of the license plate string that you remember?" Qi Lin asked.

Ms. Wang thought about it for a while and then said: "I remember it was Jing A in the front, and there should be two numbers in the back, one of which was 8, and I'm not sure about the other one, maybe 3 or 5.

Qi Lin recorded this information and secretly felt happy in his heart. This clue provided him with more specific directions to locate the suspect vehicle.

Next, Qi Lin and Xiao Yang decided to go to a nearby car repair shop to investigate. They hope to find records or related clues about the black car's headlight repair.

In a shop called "Quick Repair Auto Repair Center", Qi Lin and Xiao Yang talked with the shop owner.

"Hello, has anyone come to repair the headlights of a black car recently?" Qi Lin asked.

The shop owner thought for a while and then said: "Well, recently a customer came to repair the headlights of a black car on 090. I remember that the first few digits of the license plate number were Jing A83, and I didn't notice the rest."

Qi Lin and Xiao Yang were excited about this clue. They realized that the black car was probably the hit-and-run vehicle.

After further investigation, Qi Lin and Xiao Yang determined that the owner of the suspect vehicle was a man named Li Ming. They found Li Ming's address and decided to conduct further investigation.

When they arrived at Li Ming's residence, they found that the house was empty. It seemed that Li Ming had noticed the police's pursuit and escaped.

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