Suddenly, a figure caught their attention. A young man wearing a hat and lowering his head hurriedly walked into the technology company building. His behavior made Qi Lin feel a little suspicious.

"That person may be the commercial spy we are looking for." Qi Lin whispered to Li Hua, "Let's follow him."

They followed closely behind, carefully hiding in the dark. The young man entered the elevator in the building and pressed the "923" button on the top floor.

When they reached the top floor, they saw a crowded office. People are busy working without noticing their existence. Qi Lin and Li Hua quickly scanned the circle, trying to find the target.

"Look! The man is talking to an employee." Qi Lin suddenly pointed to a corner.

The two approached quietly, ready to listen to their conversation. Hidden behind a wall, they listened to the conversation between the young man and the employee.

"Our project is nearing completion and will be handed over to our superiors soon," the employee said.

The young man smiled and said, "Really? It seems you did a pretty good job."

Qi Lin frowned and doubts arose in his heart. Why does this commercial spy act so relaxed and natural, seemingly without any nervousness?

"However, I still need to confirm some details." The young man continued, "Can you show me the latest documents? I need to make sure everything is OK."

The employee hesitated, but finally nodded. "Okay, I'll go get it."

He turned and left, heading to the other side of the office. Qi Lin and Li Hua saw the opportunity and followed quietly.

The employees entered his office. Qi Lin and Li Hua hid outside the door, waiting for him to open the safe and take out the files.

Just as he opened the safe, Qi Lin suddenly stepped out. He quickly rushed towards the employee and subdued him to the ground.

"Don't move! You have been exposed!" Qi Lin warned.

The employees looked at them in panic and stammered: "I...I'm not a commercial spy...I'm just an ordinary spy...

Qi Lin loosened his hand slightly and said to him: "Explain your situation clearly."

The employee trembled and said: "I was threatened by a stranger and asked me to help him steal the company's confidential information... I was afraid of rejection, so I could only pretend to cooperate."

Qi Lin frowned, "What is the identity of this stranger? Why is he so interested in this confidential information?"

The employee hesitated for a moment, then whispered: "I heard a name from his words, it's Zhao Wenkai."

Qi Lin and Li Hua exchanged a glance. They were no strangers to this name. Zhao Wenkai is a notorious industrial spy, known for stealing secrets from major companies.

"We must find Zhao Wenkai as soon as possible and stop his actions." Qi Lin said firmly, and they decided to launch a larger investigation.

Qi Lin and Li Hua are immersed in the investigation of Zhao Wenkai. They carefully studied all the clues related to him 4.9, trying to find his whereabouts.

"According to our investigation, Zhao Wenkai has frequently visited a coffee shop recently," Li Hua said. "We can set a trap there and wait for his arrival."

Qi Lin nodded, "Good idea. We need to contact the police and arrange for them to deploy controls around the cafe."

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