Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

691: Play Back The Monitoring Of The Day

One day, he received the task of investigating a murder case.

This case took place in a luxurious villa, and the victim was a young and beautiful woman named Li Ting. She is a well-known fashion designer who attracts attention for her talent and talent. However, she becomes the victim of murder for no apparent reason.

Qi Lin came to the scene and began to observe carefully. He found many clues left in the house, including blood stains, fingerprints and the murder weapon. He walked into the living room and met Li Ting's family, including her parents and younger brother.

"Hello, I'm Qi Lin. Can I ask some questions? Qi Lin said with a smile to Li Ting's parents.

"Of course, we are willing to provide any assistance." Li Ting's mother replied, with deep sadness in her eyes.

"First of all, please tell me about Li Ting's life. Does she have any enemies or potential malicious competitors?" Qi Lin asked.

Li Ting's father shook his head and said that they did not know whether his daughter had such a problem. However, the younger brother suddenly interrupted and said: "I heard that my sister recently had a conflict with a designer, and they had an argument at a fashion exhibition.

"Thank you for the reminder. This (bdbg) information is very important. Can you tell me more details about the designer?" Qi Lin asked.

The younger brother recalled what happened that day, described the details of the dispute, and provided the designer's name and background information.

Qi Lin decided to visit the designer. He went to the designer's studio, where he met a well-dressed middle-aged man named Lin Kai.

"Hello, I am Qi Lin. I investigated Li Ting's murder case. I heard that you had a dispute." Qi Lin said with a smile.

Lin Kai seemed a little nervous, but still answered Qi Lin's questions patiently. He claimed that he and Li Ting only had some creative differences and had no ill intentions.

"Can you provide evidence to prove your alibi that night?" Qi Lin asked.

Lin Kai handed Qi Lin an invitation to attend a designer party, which showed the exact time and location. This party took place on the night of the murder, and there are multiple witnesses who can attest to his presence.

Seeing this accurate timetable, Qi Lin began to re-evaluate the direction of his investigation. He realized there were other leads that needed to be pursued further.

The next day, Qi Lin returned to the crime scene and carefully examined every detail of the murder scene. He noticed tiny marks on the floor that seemed to lead from the murder scene to the balcony outside.

He walked out of the balcony and observed the surrounding environment. Suddenly, he found a bracelet forgotten in the flower bed, with blood stains still on it.

This discovery moved Qi Lin's heart. He immediately picked up the bracelet and asked the laboratory for analysis. According to the test results, the blood stains on the bracelet were consistent with Li Ting's blood type.

"This indicates that the murderer may have been injured when fleeing the scene, and they may have dropped the bracelet during their escape." Qi Lin secretly speculated.

Next, Qi Lin returned to the police station and began to investigate Li Ting's mobile phone call records and social media activities. He discovered that Li Ting had spoken to a stranger the night before the incident.

Through technical means, Qi Lin successfully tracked the location of the call and discovered that it was a cafe. He immediately rushed to the cafe and used surveillance video to replay the scene that night. .

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