One night, when the lights in the building went out, Qi Lin hid in a dark corner and watched Zhang Lin. After she came out of the office, she walked straight towards the parking lot, with Qi Lin following closely behind her. Zhang Lin walked to a black car, opened the door and prepared to get in.

At this moment, Qi Lin quickly approached and grabbed her wrist. Zhang Lin turned her head in surprise, fear and uneasiness flashing in her eyes.

Zhang Lin, I am Qi Lin, a detective. I know you were involved in the industrial espionage case, now you must tell me the whole truth. "Qi Lin said seriously.

Zhang Lin hesitated for a moment, then nodded weakly, tears welling up in her eyes. She confessed that she was blackmailed and "forced to assist industrial espionage in stealing company information."

She told Qi Lin all the details, including the contact information of the commercial espionage, the location of the transaction and the background of their organization. Zhang Lin explained that she got involved because her family was threatened and lived in fear.

Qi Lin frowned deeply. The complexity of the case exceeded his expectation. He realized that he had to take action, not only to protect the company's interests, but also to help Zhang Lin get out of her predicament.

Qi Lin decided to share these new discoveries with Li Hua, and they agreed to meet in a safe place. Li Hua seemed angry and frustrated when he detailed Zhang Lin's confession to Li Hua.

These industrial spies are so abominable! Not only do they steal our technology and secrets, they also threaten innocent people with it. We must bring them to justice! Li Hua said angrily.

Qi Lin took a deep breath and said calmly: We need conclusive evidence to prove these commercial spies so that they can be completely defeated. I already have some clues, and now we need to formulate an action plan.

The two of them followed the transaction address provided by Zhang Lin and sneaked into that location quietly. They saw that commercial spies were conducting a transaction and were preparing to sell stolen confidential documents to competitors.

Qi Lin decided to wait for the best time to completely bring the commercial spies to justice. He and Li Hua contacted the local police, and with their support, a large-scale arrest operation began.

In the fierce exchange of fire and chase, Qi Lin and the police successfully arrested all commercial spies and brought them to justice. They seized a large amount of evidence at the scene, including electronic equipment, transaction records, etc. This evidence will strongly prove the crime of industrial espionage.

Detective Qi Lin walked into the office, feeling tired from a busy day of work. He sat down, took a sip of coffee, and thought about the new case. Suddenly, the phone rang.

Mr. Qi, you have an emergency number. The secretary's voice came from outside the door.

Qi Lin looked up at the office door and nodded. The secretary put the phone on the table and left the office. Qi Lin picked up the phone and heard the other party's anxious voice saying:

Mr. Qi, please help me! I witnessed a hit-and-run case, but I (Wang Dezhao) did not dare to call the police because I was afraid of being threatened.

Qi Lin took a deep breath, stabilized his emotions, and asked: Please tell me what happened.

The voice on the phone began to describe the car accident that day. A black car hit a pedestrian and fled, but witnesses happened to be nearby. He said excitedly: I remember the license plate number and the characteristics of the car. If you can help me find the perpetrator, I am willing to provide more clues. .

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