Mary recalled: "I saw a tall man sitting at the table. He kept staring at the food, as if he was observing something. When I took my first bite of food, I noticed that he was looking at me strangely. look."

Qi Lin recorded this clue and continued to ask other people. He found that several victims mentioned a similar description: a tall man who seemed to be staring at the food very intently.

Next, Qi Lin went to the kitchen and talked with chef John. John is one of the hotel's best chefs and is very particular about the selection and preparation of ingredients.

"Mr. John, what do you think of this poisoning case?" Qi Lin asked in a deep voice.

John wiped the sweat from his forehead nervously, and then replied: "Mr. Detective, I am responsible for my dishes. Every ingredient has been strictly screened and inspected. I can't imagine how toxins could get into it."

Qi Lin observed the incongruity between John's expression and tone and decided to investigate in depth. He began to check the ingredients in the kitchen one by one and noticed some strange marks.

"Mr. John, I found a strange residue on these vegetables. I would like to ask you to explain it." Qi Lin handed the sample in his hand to John.

John looked at the sample in surprise and immediately understood what might have happened. "It was a poisonous plant and I have no idea how it got into my kitchen!" He claimed he knew nothing about the incident.

Qi Lin continues to trace the source of the toxin. After some investigation, he discovered a herbal shop that allegedly sold various rare plants and herbs.

When Qi Lin came to the herbal shop, he found that the smell inside was very strong, full of the aroma of various plants. He quickly walked up to the counter and talked to the owner.

"Hello, I am Qi Lin, a detective. I am here to investigate a poisoning case. Someone used a toxin, which may have been purchased from this herbal shop. Do you have any information about this case?" Qi Lin asked.

The shopkeeper seemed very nervous after hearing this question. He began to glance around on the counter, trying to hide something. Eventually, he calmed down and smiled.

"Mr. Detective, I don't know. I only sell normal herbs and plants, and I don't sell anything poisonous. Maybe you can check my inventory to see if there is anything strange." The shopkeeper replied.

Qi Lin didn't believe what the shopkeeper said, but he still agreed to the shopkeeper's suggestion. He began searching the herbal shop's warehouse, hoping to find some clues.

During the search, Qi Lin found a jar of vaguely labeled herbal medicine. He opened the lid and immediately smelled a pungent smell.

This herb is very similar to the residue found in the kitchen. Qi Lin put the herbal samples into bags and decided to take them to the laboratory for further testing.

After returning to the laboratory, Qi Lin analyzed the components of the herbal medicine with chemical experts. After exhaustive testing, they found that the herb contained a plant called "poisonous blue flower" 0

"Poison blue flower is an extremely rare and poisonous plant. Its toxin can cause symptoms such as chest tightness, dizziness and vomiting. This is most likely the toxin used in poisoning cases

"Chemistry expert explains... 0

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