Qi Lin calmly stared into the shop owner's eyes and gradually increased the pressure on him. "I warn you that crimes related to animal trafficking are very serious. If you hide anything from me, there will be serious consequences.

The shop owner finally couldn't bear Qi Lin's pressure and found that he could no longer hide it. "Okay, I admit it! In fact, the animals here are indeed obtained illegally, but I am just a small fish, and the real mastermind is still behind it. They will contact me every once in a while to provide new animals. I was forced to join this criminal group just to survive.

Qi Lin was satisfied with the shop owner's confession. He understood that this case was larger and required further investigation. He assured the shop owner that as long as he cooperated with the investigation in good faith, he would be given appropriate leniency. The shopkeeper breathed a sigh of relief and nodded gratefully.

Qi Lin then contacted his team and worked with them to develop a plan for further action. They decided to first track the shop owner's communication channels to get more clues about the man behind the scenes. Through technical means and hard work, they successfully tracked down a criminal organization hiding behind the network.

In the following weeks, Qi Lin and his team conducted a series of covert operations and collected a large amount of evidence. They uncovered the animal trafficking network in depth and found that the number of people involved and the scale were shocking. Members of this criminal organization are located in various countries and use a complex trading network to transport rare animals to different places.

Qi Lin and his team decided to focus on the core members of this criminal organization. After careful planning and action, they successfully arrested the leader of the organization. Qi Lin personally interrogated the leader, trying to obtain more information about the organization's members and hiding locations.

"Do you think you can escape the punishment of the law? Selling animals is a cruel act against innocent lives!" Qi Lin asked sternly.

The leader looked at Qi Lin with a sneer. "Do you detectives think you have won? We are just a small part of this huge criminal network. Even if you catch me, you can't completely destroy us.

Qi Lin responded calmly: "You are wrong. I will track every person and every clue until the entire criminal network is eradicated. Protecting animals is my mission and I will not give up. Tell me, where are your members?" 11

The leader laughed sarcastically and rejected any possibility of cooperation. However, Qi Lin was not discouraged. He knows this is a protracted battle and he needs more time and evidence to fight this criminal organization.

Through thorough investigations and communications with international partners, Qi Lin's team gradually revealed how the criminal organization operates and the identities of its members. They succeeded in arresting more criminals and striking at the heart of the network.

Finally, after long and arduous efforts, Qi Lin and his team destroyed this criminal organization that trafficked animals. A large amount of evidence was submitted to the court, and the criminals were punished by law.

During this operation, Qi Lin not only successfully rescued many trafficked animals, but also revealed the criminal network hidden in the darkness. His courage, wisdom and determination set an example for animal protection and aroused public attention to animal protection. .

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