Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

740: Man Hiding In Abandoned Building

"Hello, I'm Detective Qi Lin. I heard that there was something wrong with a black car here?" Qi Lin asked with a smile.

The person in charge of the repair shop glanced at Qi Lin's ID, and then nodded: "Yes, we do have a crashed black car here. However, according to the owner's request, we cannot disclose any relevant information.

Qi Lin interrupted the person in charge of the repair shop and said seriously: "This is a case involving personal safety and justice. I believe you also want to help the police solve the case and seek justice for the victims."

The person in charge of the repair shop hesitated for a moment, then nodded: "Okay, since that's the case, I can tell you some information. This black car was sent to us for repairs yesterday afternoon. The owner requested that it be kept confidential and not shared with other people. Customer contact. All I know is that the owner left a contact number.”

Qi Lin immediately took out his mobile phone and dialed the number. After the call was connected, he introduced himself and explained the situation.

"Hello, I am Detective Qi Lin. As far as I know, your vehicle was involved in a hit-and-run case yesterday. I need to know some information to help uncover the truth. "

An anxious voice came from the other end of the phone: "Yes, my car was involved in a hit-and-run accident last night. However, I don't know who the perpetrator was. I just received a phone call. The other party claimed to have evidence that could destroy the car." Drop me. He asked me to give him the car and warned me not to call the police."

Qi Lin listened intently and continued to ask: "Do you remember the contact information provided by the other party? Are there any other clues?

The car owner hesitated for a moment, and then replied: "The other party only gave me a WeChat number and agreed to deliver the vehicle in a park. Moreover, he also mentioned a red bird as an identification mark.

Qi Lin frowned, thinking about this information. He realizes that the red bird may be an important clue to the case. So, he decided to go to the agreed place to investigate.

In the park, Qi Lin quietly patrolled, looking for any suspicious signs. Suddenly, he noticed a man in a black coat talking to another man. They seem to be trading abnormally. Qi Lin quickly approached and tried to hide himself.

When he heard one of them speaking, he could hardly believe his ears. "I've got the car, now we can leave." There was a proud emotion in the man's voice.

Qi Lin immediately recognized the voice as Mr. Li. He was shocked and disappointed. He quickly decided to follow Mr. Li to see what his purpose was.

After some tracking, Qi Lin discovered that Mr. Li and another man entered an abandoned factory building. He approached cautiously and eavesdropped on their conversation.

"."Have you got the car?" the man asked.

Mr. Li replied excitedly: "Yes (Li Hao), I got it. The black car is now in the backyard of the factory."

Qi Lin could not understand Mr. Li's behavior, but he decided to figure things out. He quietly continued to approach until he could see Mr. Li standing next to a black car while the man inspected the vehicle. Qi Lin is waiting for their conversation.

"The car looks fine," the man said. "We can get rid of it without leaving any traces."

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