Yang Liu nodded and began to describe the suspect she saw to Qi Lin in detail. She noted that he was tall, wore a black hat and drove a red motorcycle.0

"Okay, these descriptions are already very helpful. I will conduct an investigation and try to find clues as soon as possible. But in the meantime, I suggest you stay alert and avoid going out alone. Qi Lin reminded with concern.

A few days later, Qi Lin collected some clues and compiled them into a note. He decided to go to the police station to discuss with the relevant personnel.

When Qi Lin entered the police station, he was immediately stopped by a uniformed police officer.

"Who are you? Why did you break into the police station?" the police officer asked seriously.

"I am Qi Lin, a detective. I investigated the recent arson case and collected some key clues. I hope to cooperate with you to solve this case." Qi Lin answered confidently.

After the police officer examined Qilin,

"Okay, we need all the information that can help solve the case. Please give me your clues and we will investigate further."

Qi Lin handed over the notes he had compiled, and then began to discuss with the police detectives. They analyzed the time, location and eyewitness accounts of each arson case, trying to find connections between the cases.

After several hours of discussion, Qi Lin and the police detectives discovered some interesting commonalities. First of all, all the cases occurred late at night, and the arson points were concentrated in the commercial areas of the area. Secondly, witnesses all mentioned that the suspect was driving a red motorcycle.

"It seems that we can infer that the suspect carried out arson in a very planned way. He chose late at night to ensure that there were not too many people present, and then quickly left the scene and used the fast performance of the motorcycle to escape." Qi Lin He said thinking.

"The suspect seemed to be very familiar with the area and was able to easily find escape routes and avoid surveillance cameras," a young police officer added.

Qi Lin nodded in agreement, and then proposed a new idea: "Perhaps we can find some potential targets by analyzing the time and location of the arson attack. For example, whether there is a specific building or institution in these commercial areas, Possibly related to the suspect?

Police detectives began poring over case documents and maps, looking for clues. They investigated the buildings and institutions near the location of each arson case one by one, and reconfirmed with witnesses.

...asking for flowers 0

Next to one of the most affected shopping malls, police detectives discovered a suspicious underground casino. They learned it was a place run by a secret organization "with gang connections.


"Perhaps, there are deeper motives hidden behind the arson cases. These arson cases may be to divert attention and cover up some illegal trading activities." Qi Lin speculated.

The police decided to launch an operation and focused on underground casinos. Qi Lin worked closely with the police and formulated a detailed action plan.

That night, the action began. Police detectives infiltrate underground casinos, collect evidence and track suspects. At the same time, Qi Lin and other detectives set up surveillance points on the periphery to ensure the smooth progress of the entire operation.

A few hours later, the operation was a great success. The police arrested a number of suspects involved in illegal transactions and found key evidence of the arson case at the scene. This evidence directly linked the arson suspect to the underground casino. .

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