Qi Lin narrowed his eyes and said with a smile: "You missed an important detail. I am a detective who insists on justice. No matter what, I will find a way to get you the punishment you deserve."

The man sneered and waved his hand to several of his men to hold Qi Lin down. But Qi Lin was not afraid, he knew he had to stay calm.

"Tell me, where do these animals come from? How do you sell them?" Qi Lin asked forcefully.

A proud smile appeared on the man's lips. "That's a trade secret, I have no intention of telling you."

Qi Lin's face darkened, he knew that he needed to start from other places now. "Forget it, I will find evidence to expose your shady secrets. Moreover, I believe that I will also find your suppliers." He said decisively.

The man's expression changed slightly, but he quickly recovered, "You think you can find my supplier? You are so naive!"

Qi Lin smiled slightly, "I am a detective, and it is my job to find clues. I will investigate every possibility until I find the truth."

In the next few weeks, Qi Lin devoted himself to the investigation. He visited zoos, wildlife conservation organizations, and even went deep into tiger dens to communicate with other traffickers. He collects evidence, collects information, and gets closer to the truth step by step.

Finally, on a quiet night, Qi Lin found a clue provided by an anonymous informant. He discovered a secret hiding place, which was the base for animal trafficking.

Qi Lin led the police to raid the underground base. In a fierce battle, they successfully rescued the trafficked animals and arrested the man and his men.

The case was declared solved and the animal trafficking gang was brought to justice.

However, he knows this is just the beginning.

Qi Lin decided to track and find suppliers, hoping to reveal a larger shady story. He realizes that this case is just part of a huge network, and his responsibility is not only to seek justice for these innocent animals, but also to protect more lives from abuse.

After several weeks of investigation, Qi Lin obtained intelligence pointing to an international animal trafficking organization. This organization operates on a global scale and has close ties to various illegal transactions. Qi Lin realized that if this organization could be dismantled, it would cause a huge blow to the entire animal trafficking industry.

He contacted Interpol and asked for their support and cooperation. Qi Lin knew that he could not face such a huge enemy alone. He needs to gather more strength to deal with this transnational criminal gang.

So, in a secret conference room, Qi Lin held an emergency meeting with the top officials of Interpol. He introduced to them in detail the results of his investigation into animal trafficking cases and proposed a plan to fight against this organization.

The conference room was filled with tension. Experts and detectives from all parties have recognized the importance of this issue and have expressed their willingness to provide assistance. With the help of many professionals, they developed a comprehensive action plan aimed at dismantling all activities of this animal trafficking organization.

In the following months, Qi Lin and his team launched a series of secret operations. They traveled around the world, tracking down and arresting many key figures. They carried out surveillance, search and evidence collection work to ensure that this huge criminal network could be dismantled. .

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