Then, Qi Lin decided to further investigate the scene where trees in the forest were cut down. When he walked into the forest, he immediately felt a special energy surrounding him. He carefully observed every stolen tree, trying to find some clues.

Suddenly, he found a tiny trace - there were some footprints on the ground next to a stolen tree. Qi Lin quickly took out a magnifying glass and carefully observed the footprints. He found that these footprints were left by a special pair of shoes, and there were some strange patterns on the soles. 0

"This clue is very important!" Qi Lin was full of expectations. He immediately took pictures and recorded the footprints, preparing to go back for further analysis.

Back in the laboratory, Qi Lin began to conduct detailed research on the footprints. By comparing materials and searching for relevant information, he finally found the answer in ten ancient books.

It turns out that this special shoe and pattern belong to an ancient and mysterious tribe - the "People of Starlight". This tribe has lived deep in the forest for generations. They worship the "Huishu" and believe that the trees contain mysterious power. However, because the trees were cut down, they could not feel the sacred energy and therefore lost their livelihood. .

Qi Lin realized that the key to solving this case was to get in touch with the "People of Starlight". He returned to the town and found the location of this mysterious tribe with the help of the locals.

After talking to the leader of the "People of Starlight", Qi Lin learned that they were not the murderers who cut down the trees, but were forced by another force. In order to obtain the precious wood of the "Star Tree", a group of businessmen hired some gangsters to steal and cut down these trees. But they don't know the true power contained in the trees.

Qi Lin immediately took action, informed the local police of this evidence, and united with the "People of Starlight" to cooperate with the police and destroyed the hacking gang in one fell swoop. All the trees were protected and the forest regained its sacred air.

Qi Lin sat in the office and studied the case file in his hand intently. This was a sewage discharge case that plunged the entire city into darkness and corruption. He took a deep breath

I was determined to bring the criminals to justice.

…Please give me flowers…

Suddenly, his thoughts were interrupted by the ringing of the phone. He quickly picked up the phone and heard an anxious voice coming from the line.

"Mr. Qi, I am Li Si, and I am a member of a volunteer environmental protection organization. We have collected some clues about the discharge of sewage and need your help to investigate this problem." Li Si's voice was full of expectation.

Qi Lin smiled slightly on the other end of the phone. He was always full of passion for cases like this. "Thank you very much for your report, Mr. Li Si. Please tell me the specific situation.

Li Si quickly explained the evidence they collected in detail. Through a secret investigation, the environmental protection organization discovered that a company called "Qingquan Company" was suspected of illegally discharging sewage. They suspected that the company dumped sewage into nearby rivers at night, seriously polluting the environment.

After Qi Lin listened, he said thoughtfully: "This is a serious problem. I will investigate immediately. Please tell me the specific address of Qingquan Company."

Li Si quickly told Qi Lin the address and expressed his willingness to provide any assistance to Sichuan. .

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