Suddenly, Qi Lin's eyes lit up. He found an unfamiliar piece of metal on the ground. This fragment is a bit strange, with some symbols and numbers engraved on it. Qi Lin immediately collected it and asked the police if there was any way to trace the source of the fragment.

"We will analyze the fragment immediately to see if we can find some useful information from it." the police officer in charge of the investigation replied.

A few days passed, and Qi Lin busily launched an in-depth investigation into the explosion. He discovered that the scrap of metal was actually part of an explosive device, with a name engraved on it: "Alpha."

"Alfa? What is this?" Qi Lin thought to himself. He decided to start inside the company first, because the explosion occurred near the company's headquarters.

Qi Lin found Li Ming, the company's senior manager, hoping to talk to him to learn more. Qi Lin found that Li Ming looked nervous and obviously concealed something about the explosion.

"Mr. Li Ming, I am Detective Qi Lin, responsible for investigating this explosion case. I need you to provide some information to help us track the murderer. Please answer my questions truthfully.

Li Ming hesitated for a moment, then took a deep breath, and finally said: "Actually, Mr. Qi, I know something about this explosion. Alpha is a confidential project of our company, it is the latest energy device , can revolutionize the world. However, there was a leak within us, causing this explosion.

When Qi Lin heard this, he frowned slightly and began to have some ideas in his mind. He continued to ask Li Ming about the details of the leak, hoping to find the mastermind lurking behind it.

Li Ming continued: "Our company has recently been threatened by competitors who want to steal our technology. We suspect that there is an insider and leaked confidential information to them. But we cannot determine who it is because of these leaks The behavior is very covert.

Qi Lin thought for a moment and said: "Mr. Li Ming, I have a plan. I need your help. We can develop a secret operation, disguised as an internal investigation team, so that we can obtain information more easily. In this way, we can more easily Good job tracking down the person behind this.

…Please give me flowers…

After Li Ming heard Qi Lin's plan, he thought for a moment and nodded in agreement.

Qi Lin and Li Ming began to cooperate secretly, formed a small team, and launched an investigation into the company. They went deep into various departments of the company, communicated with employees, and tried to find out the insider who betrayed the company.

During the investigation, Qi Lin discovered several suspicious characters. These include Wang Feng, director of the technology department, Chen Xiao, senior engineer of the R&D department, and others. Qi Lin decided to focus on them and began a detailed investigation.

After some evidence collection and interrogation, Qi Lin discovered that there was an unusual connection between Wang Feng and Chen Xiao. They frequently communicated outside of working hours and had the Emperor’s call records. This aroused Qi Lin's suspicion.

They decided to obtain more evidence through surveillance and phone recording. One night, Qi Lin was in the company's monitoring room carefully watching the surveillance video from a few days ago. Sudden

He discovered an important clue: Wang Feng and Chen Xiao had a private meeting in a corner. . 1

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