Qi Lin nodded, realizing that this case was not as simple as it seemed. He decided to go back to the scene and comb through the evidence, looking for any missing or hidden clues.

While observing the scene carefully, Qi Lin noticed something strange. There seems to be something wrong with the painting hanging on the wall in the living room. He took a closer look and found that there was a small hidden compartment behind the frame.

He carefully took out the items inside and found a photo. The photo showed Lin Yafang hugging a strange man closely. This man did not look like her husband.

Qi Lin put the photo in his pocket and thought about its meaning. He suddenly remembered the friend Yang Yuting mentioned by Lin Yafang. Maybe she can provide some clues to the truth of the case.

Qi Lin decided to go to Yang Yuting, believing that she might know some important information related to Case 750. He came to Lin Yafang's residence and knocked on the door.

After the door opened, a young woman appeared at the door. She has long hair and bright eyes.

"Hello, I am Qi Lin [I am the detective on the murder case of Lin Yafang's husband. I want to talk to you about this case." Qi Lin introduced himself to Yang Yuting.

Yang Yuting smiled slightly and said: "Please come in and sit down. I am also very concerned about this case and hope I can help. 1"

Qi Lin noticed a hint of anxiety and uneasiness in Yang Yuting's eyes. (ccae) He decided to ask directly: "Ms. Yang, can you tell me about Mrs. Lin Yafang's relationship with another man?"

Yang Yuting's expression changed slightly, but she immediately regained her composure, "I don't know if Mrs. Lin Yafang has anything to do with other men. We are just good friends.

Qi Lin handed Yang Yuting the photo found in the villa and said seriously: "This photo shows Mrs. Lin Yafang intimately embracing a strange man. Can you explain the origin of this photo?"

Yang Yuting took the photo, and her expression began to become complicated. After a while, she said softly: "This man is Zhang Wenxuan, he is a common friend between Lin Yafang and I. We have traveled together, but I don't know that he has any special relationship with Mrs. Lin Yafang.

Qi Lin observed Yang Yuting's reaction and felt that she seemed to be hiding something. He decided to continue asking: "Were you with Mrs. Lin Yafang at the time of the incident? Did you see or hear any suspicious people or sounds?"

Yang Yuting's eyes began to wander, and she answered hesitantly: "I was indeed in the villa with Lin Yafang at the time, but we were all chatting in the study and never left. As for the suspicious people or sounds, I didn't notice them.

Qi Lin noticed that Yang Yuting's answer was unnatural, so he decided to ask from a different angle: "Ms. Yang, is there any emotional entanglement between you and Zhang Wenxuan? Is this related to Mrs. Lin Yafang's case?"

Yang Yuting's face turned pale instantly, and she stammered: "I... Zhang Wenxuan and I are just ordinary friends, we have no other relationship. I know nothing about Mrs. Lin Yafang's case."

Qi Lin stared deeply at Yang Yuting. He could feel that she was hiding some secrets, but it seemed that he had not found any clues to solve the mystery yet. He decided to leave, before leaving

He left his contact information and hoped that Yang Yuting could contact him in time if she had any important information. . 1

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