Qi Lin's office was filled with a strong smell of tobacco. He sat alone at the table and looked at a case file intently. This is a case about industrial espionage, involving the theft of confidential information from a large technology company. As a private detective, Qi Lin took over this difficult case.

Suddenly, the phone ringing broke the silence. He reached out to pick up the phone and heard a strange man's voice: "Are you Qi Lin? I have some important information about that case." Qi Lin asked alertly: "Who are you? "How do you know my contact information?" The strange man smiled and said, "I know your identity very well. We have met once. I am your old friend Li Hua."

Qi Lin's heart moved. He still remembered Li Hua, a colleague of his in the police station. But over the years, the two lost contact. He asked doubtfully: "Li Hua, how come you appeared in the investigation clues of my case?"

Li Hua was silent for a moment, and then said mysteriously: "I have some evidence that can help you find out the true identities of those commercial spies. We should do everything as soon as possible."

Qi Lin's heart moved, and he couldn't help but become interested in the other party's conclusive tone. He agreed to the request to meet Li Hua and made an appointment at a secret cafe. When Qi Lin entered the cafe, he immediately saw a familiar figure. Li Hua was sitting in a corner, holding a cup of hot coffee in his hand.

"Li Hua, long time no see." Qi Lin walked over and held his hand. Li Hua smiled and said, "Yeah, long time no see. I heard that you became a private detective and started some small business." Qi Lin nodded thoughtfully, and then asked: "What about the evidence you mentioned? Why are you so interested in this case?"

Li Hua pondered for a moment, and then said mysteriously: "This case involves a larger conspiracy. These commercial spies are not for competition, but for a more sinister purpose." Qi Lin looked at him in astonishment, his heart filled with excitement. curious. "Did you know [this technology company is developing a device that can control human thinking." Li Hua's voice was deep and low.

Qi Lin was dumbfounded. He could not imagine what consequences such technology would bring... He asked: "What are these commercial spies for? What do they want to do?" Li Hua took a deep breath and said: " They want to use this device to control political figures around the world and realize their own ambitions.

Qi Lin felt a chill coming over his heart. He understands the importance of this case and the responsibility he takes to stop this conspiracy. He decided to cooperate with Li Hua to find evidence

And reveal the conspiracy behind it. The two began to cooperate closely and embarked on an adventure journey. f

They first looked for clues to the stolen confidential information. Through investigation and analysis, they discovered that a secret organization called "Dark Phoenix" may be related to the case. However, it is not easy to find them. Qi Lin and Li Hua decided to go deep into the lurk and detect the organization from the inside.

After many efforts, Qi Lin successfully penetrated into the core of the "Dark Phoenix" organization. There, he came into contact with the leader of the organization, Ye Dongyue, a smart and cunning commercial spy. Ye Dongyue knew that his plan had been exposed, and he decided to catch Qi Lin and eliminate him. .

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