"Ms. Yang, my name is Qi Lin. I'm sorry for causing trouble to you. I will try my best to find the perpetrators and make them responsible for their actions. But before that, I need to know if you have any enemies or potential threaten.

Qi Lin observed Yang Xiaowen's expression and felt the pain and uneasiness in her heart. He knew that there were some things that Yang Xiaowen might not want to say, but he also knew that these hidden secrets might be the key to solving the mystery of the case.

"Ms. Yang, I understand that you may have some concerns and privacy considerations, but if you can tell me more information, I can better help you. Sometimes, we need to face and reveal the facts that bother us, Only in this way can we find the truth and justice. Please trust me, I will protect your safety and privacy."

Yang Xiaowen stared at the table silently. After a moment, she finally said: "Actually, I have received some anonymous threatening letters recently. There are some threatening words written on the letters, which makes me feel scared. I dare to tell my family and friends , for fear that they would be worried.”

Qi Lin frowned slightly, understanding that this clue might be related to the hit-and-run case. He asked: "Ms. Yang, can you provide the specific content of these threatening letters and the characteristics of the senders? This information is very important for us to find the perpetrators."

Yang Xiaowen nodded and tremblingly handed Qi Lin a threatening letter sealed in an envelope. "These letters were sent to my home without a signature, but the content was very vile and threatening. I did not collect the characteristics of the sender because I was always afraid that calling the police would cause more trouble."

Qi Lin carefully read the content of the threat letter and thought about possible clues. He decided to hand these letters over to the technical department for further analysis, hoping to find clues about the sender.

A few days later, Qi Lin received a report from the technical department. According to their analysis, the letter paper and ink of the threat letter have unique characteristics that can be traced to a certain printing house. Qi Lin immediately rushed to the printing factory to investigate.

At the printing factory, Qi Lin had a detailed conversation with the manager. The manager said that they only accept orders from regular customers, and they are all contacted by email or phone. However, in the past month, they did receive an anonymous special order to print a batch of paper and envelopes in a specific format.

…Please give me flowers…

Qi Lin studied the order and found that it was the same paper and envelope used in the threatening letter Yang Xiaowen received. He decided to track down the origin of this special order.

With the help of the technical department, Qi Lin successfully tracked the IP address from which the email was sent. The address belongs to a small internet cafe on the outskirts of the city. Qi Lin quickly went to the cafe and talked with the owner.

The owner recalled that a month ago, there was a man wearing a hat and a mask covering most of his face. After hearing the owner's description in his cafe, Qi Lin immediately realized that this man was probably the person who sent the threatening letter. . He thanked the store owner for his cooperation and asked for any further details relating to the man.

The owner recalled: "When the man came to the cafe, he acted in a hurry and seemed very nervous. He only stayed for a few minutes, used our computer to send an email, and then left in a hurry."

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