When Qi Lin walked into the office, Director Wang Yun was sitting at his desk, looking at a report intently. Qi Lin knocked on the door and walked in.

"Good morning, Director. I have important findings that I need to discuss with you." Qi Lin said.

Wang Yun raised his head, showing a surprised expression. He is well aware of Qi Lin's abilities and knows that he never says the word "important" easily, so he knows that this case must be extraordinary.

"Sit down, Qi Lin. You're here just in time. I'm studying this report on the abduction case. Do you have any new clues?"

After Qi Lin sat down, he began to describe his recent investigation progress to Wang Yun in detail. He referred to key evidence and eyewitness accounts illustrating how the criminal gang operated in the heart of the city.

“According to my investigation, this gang uses a fake front company called ‘Hand of Darkness’ to conduct trafficking activities. They first observe the target for a period of time, and then kidnap and traffic the target when they are alone.

Wang Yun frowned and thought for a while. "Have you found any clues related to the Dark Hand?"

Qi Lin nodded. "Yes, Director. I recently obtained an anonymous tip stating that the headquarters of the Dark Hand is located in an abandoned factory on the south side of the city. I have already been there once, but found no suspicious activity."

Wang Yun thought for a moment. "This is probably their hidden stronghold. We need a bigger operation to destroy this gang. Qi Lin, ~ do you have any plans?"

"I suggest that we organize a secret operation to round up the members of this gang. We can collect more evidence to ensure that they cannot escape the punishment of the law." Qi Linjie came up with his plan.

Wang Yun nodded. "Good idea, Qi Lin. I trust your judgment. We will send an elite team to assist you in completing this operation. Remember, safety first."

Determination surged in Qi Lin's heart. He knew the importance of this task and his responsibility. He told Wang Yun: "I will do my best to complete this task and make this criminal gang pay the price."

Over the next few days, Qi Lin and his team continued to investigate the Dark Hand and plan operations. They collected more evidence, identified the gang members, and formulated a detailed action plan.

…please give me flowers…………

Finally, one clear morning, Qi Lin and his team embarked on the journey to the headquarters of the Dark Hand. They quietly approached the abandoned factory, nervous and focused

When they came to the surroundings of the factory, Qi Lin directed the team to divide into several groups and enter the factory from different directions at the same time. They used the information they had collected previously to identify possible hiding spots and potential warning measures.


After entering the factory, Qi Lin carefully walked through the dark corridors, staying alert. Suddenly, he felt a chill and knew that they were close to their target.

Qi Lin contacted other team members through wireless headsets: "Group 1, where are you?"

"Team 1, no suspicious activity was found here." One team member replied.

Qi Lin continued to lead Group 2, who gradually approached the central area of ​​the factory. Just as they were about to arrive at their destination, an alarm suddenly sounded and the entire factory fell into chaos. .

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