Qi Lin took over a jewelry theft case this time. The case involved the theft of many precious gems and jewelry worth millions.

Just as he was immersed in the case files, there was a sudden knock on the door. "Please come in." Qi Lin raised his head and saw a young woman walking in. Her eyes were a little panicked, and she was obviously not in a calm mood.

"Hello, my name is Wang Xiaoyu. I am the manager of a jewelry store. My jewelry store has just been stolen." Wang Xiaoyu said quickly.

Qi Lin stood up and motioned for her to sit down22. "Miss Wang Xiaoyu, please speak slowly and tell me what happened."

After Wang Xiaoyu sat down, he began to describe what happened to Qi Lin. "Our jewelry store closed last night and didn't open again, but when I came to the store this morning, I found that all the jewelry was gone. Our safe was intact and there was no sign of being opened. I really I can’t understand how this happened.”

Qi Lin pondered for a moment, and then asked: "Do you know if anyone has been in or out of the store?"

Wang Xiaoyu shook his head. "We have surveillance cameras installed in the store, but when we watched the video, we did not find any suspicious characters entering or leaving."

Qi Lin thought for a while. "It's strange. Since the safe has not been broken open, and since the jewelry is missing, it can only mean that a mole was involved in the theft." He opened his laptop and started searching for relevant information.

Qi Lin spent several hours collecting and sorting out a large number of clues. He found several witnesses who said they saw two strangers wandering near the jewelry store on the night of the crime. These witnesses provided some basic descriptions, but not much useful information.

In addition, he also conducted a detailed investigation of the jewelry store employees. After some inquiries, he discovered that a female employee named Li Jing had been in frequent contact with some suspicious people in recent months, and her lifestyle was not consistent with her income.

Qi Lin decided to find Li Jing for further investigation. "Hello, Miss Li Jing. I am Detective Qi Lin." He introduced himself to Li Jing with a smile.

Li Jing looked at Qi Lin nervously. "Hello, sir. I heard about the robbery in the jewelry store, but I don't know anything about it."

Qi Lin said patiently: "I'm not doubting you, I just want to know about your recent situation. We found that you have been in contact with some suspicious people, which may be related to the case

If you have any clues, tell me and I will protect your safety and privacy. "

Li Jing frowned, obviously troubled by Qi Lin's words. "I...I do know some people, but they have nothing to do with the theft. I only communicate with them occasionally, purely out of curiosity."

Qi Lin nodded 203 gently. "I understand your curiosity, but please be sure to tell me their identities and contact information. This information may help us find the real criminals."

Li Jing swallowed and looked a little hesitant. "Well, one of them is named Zhang Tao, who I met at a party. He claims to be a jewelry collector and often mentions some high-value gems. He also gave me some business cards with his name on them. contact information."

Qi Lin immediately recorded this information. "Thank you for your cooperation, Miss Li Jing. These clues are very important, and I will investigate as soon as possible. If you think of other related things, please feel free to tell me."

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