Qi Lin came to the zoo for investigation. He patiently observed the habitat of each animal and talked with the zoo staff. Through conversations with them, he learned that some employees once felt that some animals behaved strangely, but did not pay enough attention.

Qi Lin decided to first inquire about the information from nearby residents. He came to a pet store called "Animal House", hoping to get more clues by talking to the store owner. The shop owner told him that rare animals have been frequently sold recently, and most of them were stolen from nearby zoos.

"How did these animal sellers contact you?" Qi Lin asked.

The shop owner hesitated for a moment, then whispered: "They contacted me through a dark web forum with an anonymous account. I am only responsible for receiving the goods 710 and paying the remuneration."

"Are you willing to provide me with the information on that forum?" Qi Lin asked tentatively.

The shop owner hesitated for a moment, looked at Qi Lin's firm eyes, and finally nodded.

Qi Lin thanked him gratefully, and then investigated the darknet forum overnight. He found that there were a large number of posts about selling animals on this forum, but no one had left any real identity information.

In the next few days, Qi Lin was immersed in conversations and analysis. He contacted some potential buyers through darknet forums and communicated with them (cjej), trying to get more clues. Posing as a buyer, he successfully obtained the specific trading location of the animal trafficking group.

As night fell, Qi Lin led a police task force to the trading location. They successfully captured the animal trafficking syndicate and rescued the kidnapped rare animals.

Qi Lin explained the ins and outs of the entire case to the media and the public at a press conference. He detailed how animal trafficking syndicates operate and how they use dark web forums to conduct their transactions.

Reporters raised their hands to ask questions. They were full of curiosity and concern about this case. A reporter asked: "Mr. Qi, how did you discover this darknet forum?"

Qi Lin replied with a smile: "As a detective, we often need to use various skills and tools to obtain clues. For this case, I started the investigation from the theft at the zoo, and then through conversations with the shop owner and buyers, I finally found This darknet forum.”

Another reporter asked: "How did you determine the location of this animal trafficking ring?"

Qi Lin thought for a while and then said: "Through the analysis of animal trafficking posts in the forum, I found some hidden clues. I used my many years of experience and insight, combined with the analysis of these clues, to successfully target them trading location."

After the press conference, Qi Lin received a call from an animal protection organization. They were very impressed by Qilin's performance in this case and invited him to participate in a seminar on protecting rare animals.

Qi Lin readily accepted the invitation, knowing the importance of protecting animals. This case is not just to solve a crime [but also to call the society to pay attention to animal welfare and protection issues.

At the seminar, Qi Lin shared his experience and insights in the case with experts and scholars. He emphasized the importance of combating the animal trafficking industry and also made some suggestions for improving animal protection measures. .

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