Qi Lin: Can you provide me with this report letter? This will help me investigate further.

Person in charge: Of course, I will provide you with a copy of the report letter. However, please note that we only received this anonymous letter and have not conducted any investigative action against the pulp mill.

Qi Lin: Thank you very much for your cooperation. I will continue to investigate in depth and get in touch with relevant personnel at the pulp mill. If there is any other information about "650", I hope you can provide it at any time.

Person in charge: I will fully support your work. Environmental protection is our common goal, and I sincerely hope this case can be resolved.

After Qi Lin obtained a copy of the report letter, he conducted a more detailed investigation of the pulp mill. He conducted several interviews with pulp mill senior management and employees and carefully examined production lines, inventory records, and shipping processes.

By comparing the information provided in the report letter with the actual situation of the pulp mill, Qi Lin discovered some doubts. He realized that someone seemed to be trying to manipulate the entire case in an attempt to make "E Company" and the pulp mill blame each other.

In a conversation with a senior manager of the pulp mill, Qi Lin learned that the mill was currently undertaking important cooperation projects and planned large-scale expansion. He began to wonder if the case was related to a competitor.

Qi Lin decided to conduct an in-depth investigation of the pulp mill's competitors to understand their trends and stakeholders. During a secret interview with an informant, he learned that someone had received an anonymous letter claiming that "E Company" was involved in illegal felling of trees.

After careful consideration, Qi Lin decided to focus his doubts on this anonymous letter. He and his team worked together to conduct email technical analysis, trying to find the source of the anonymous letter through IP tracking and font analysis. After some hard work, they finally identified a suspect.

Qi Lin immediately went to the suspect's location to investigate. He successfully obtained the opportunity to meet the suspect and demonstrated his intelligence as a detective.

Qi Lin: Hello, I am Qi Lin, a detective. I am quite interested in your alleged attempt to send anonymous letters in an attempt to manipulate the tree felling case. Why are you doing this?

Suspect: I.........I have no choice! My family runs a small pulp mill, but recently we are in danger of going bankrupt.........The competition in the pulp market is fierce, and we Can't compete with the big players. I want to get help from the government by slandering my competitors and attracting attention.

Qi Lin: Your behavior is immoral. Not only did you hurt your competitors, you also brought unnecessary accusations to "E Club". As a detective, I do not condone such behavior. You need to take responsibility for what you do.

After a series of investigations and evidence collection, Qi Lin handed over the suspect to the local police and submitted all relevant evidence to the Environmental Protection Bureau and the pulp mill.

With Qi Lin's efforts, the truth finally became clear. The 0.8 misunderstanding between the pulp mill and "E Society" was eliminated, and they worked together to jointly promote environmental protection work.

Through Qi Lin's investigation, the pulp mill improved its environmental protection measures during the production process and adopted a more sustainable approach to operations. At the same time, Qi Lin also helped "E Society 17" carry out a series of environmental education activities in the town, raising residents' environmental awareness.

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