He came to a shop that mainly sells pets. There were all kinds of small animals on display in the store. Qi Lin walked up to the counter and said to the young clerk: "I want to know the origin of your animals, especially those rare species."

The clerk looked at Qi Lin and replied with a hint of displeasure: "This is a business secret and we will not disclose it to outsiders casually.

Qi Lin smiled slightly and handed the clerk his business card: "I am Qi Lin, a detective. The police have received a tip about the sale of rare animals. I need your cooperation and cooperation."

The clerk's eyes changed, and he quickly accepted Qi Lin's business card, and his attitude became more polite: "Sir, please wait a moment, I'll go find our boss."

After a while, the owner of the shop walked out. He looked young, but his eyes revealed a sense of maturity and calmness. He said to Qilin: "Are you here to investigate cases related to animal trafficking?"

Qi Lin nodded and said with a serious expression: "Yes, I need to know the source of your animals, especially those rare species. If any illegal behavior is discovered, you will face corresponding legal responsibilities."

The boss nodded and took Qi Lin into a small office. On the table lies a notebook with details of suppliers and transactions.

"This is our record book, which records the sources and prices of all our animals in detail." The boss said, pointing to the notebook.

Qi Lin looked through the records carefully and noticed some abnormalities. Several transactions did not match other records and the prices were significantly lower, which aroused his suspicions.

"These transactions look a bit suspicious." Qi Lin raised his head and stared at the boss seriously. Can you explain it to me?"

The boss said slightly nervously: "These are special deals. We purchased these animals at a low price. I can give you the contact information of the supplier, and you can contact them directly."

Qi Lin nodded, told his boss that he needed information about these suppliers, and asked if he had any other clues.

After thinking for a moment, the boss said: "One more thing. One of our store employees resigned some time ago. He seems to be very interested in these rare animals, and he has been living an extremely luxurious life recently."

Qi Lin immediately took a keen interest in this employee. He asked his boss to provide the employee's contact information and told him that if he had any information, please notify the police (cjbh) in time.

Qi Lin left the pet store, taking the supplier's contact information and the employee's information. He returned to his office and began to investigate more deeply.

The next morning, Qi Lin decided to contact the suspicious suppliers first to get more clues. He opened his laptop, found the contact information of the first supplier, and dialed the number.

"Hello, I am Qi Lin, are you a supplier of XXX?" Qi Lin asked.

"Yes, what's the problem?" The other person's voice sounded a little nervous.

Qi Lin continued to ask in a serious and calm tone: "We are investigating cases related to the trafficking of rare animals [I need to know about your transactions with pet shops.

The supplier obviously felt pressure, but he still insisted: "We only supply animals to pet shops at market prices, and there is no illegal behavior."

Qi Lin didn't give the other party much chance to explain, and then contacted several other suspicious suppliers. But no matter which supplier they are, the answers are similar. They all claim that they only supply animals legally and deny any illegal behavior.

Faced with these answers, Qi Lin was not satisfied. He decided to find the former employee to learn more about the situation.

After some investigation, Qi Lin finally found the employee's address and went to visit him. After knocking on the door, a young man opened the door and saw Qi Lin standing at the door with a surprised expression.

"Are you Mr. Qi Lin? I heard that you are investigating animal trafficking cases." The young man asked.

Qi Lin nodded and entered the young man's home. They sat down [Qi Lin began to ask: "I have reason to believe that you know something about this case. Please tell me your interest in these rare animals and your recent source of luxury life."

The young man explained with a slight shame: "To be honest, I am very fascinated by these animals. But I am not involved in any illegal transactions. The recent source of luxury life is because I made some investments online and made some money." "

Qi Lin frowned and thought for a while. "I need you to provide your investment records and evidence of your connection to the pet store."

The young man immediately opened his investment account from the computer [and showed Qi Lin a series of ten transaction records. These records show that he did make a series of successful investments in a short period of time.

However, Qi Lin still felt something was wrong. He left his contact information and told the young man: "If you have any other clues or information, please contact me in time."

Back in the office, Qi Lin carefully studied the supplier's information, transaction records, and investment records provided by employees. He began to connect the threads.

After some reasoning and analysis, Qi Lin finally found the key breakthrough. The supplier's low prices, changes in the employees' sources of luxury life, and the young man's successful investment, these clues seem to point to a possible answer: "internal collusion." Qi Lin began to suspect that there was a relationship between the owner of the pet shop and the supplier. There is some kind of improper cooperative relationship."

He reviewed the supplier information provided by the pet store and noticed that one of the suppliers had multiple transactions with the store and the price was significantly lower than the market price. Qi Lin decided to contact the supplier again to investigate further.

After Qi Lin dialed the phone, he said to the other party in a firm and stern tone: "I am Qi Lin, detective." Then he got to the point: "I know that you have a very special transaction relationship with the pet store. Now, I need You tell me the truth."

The voice on the other end of the phone sounded nervous and struggling, "I don't know what you're talking about."

Qi Lin calmly replied: "Stop pretending, we have investigated clearly. You and the pet shop owner have joined forces to conduct illegal transactions of selling rare animals."

The supplier could not deny the fact and after a moment of silence finally admitted: "Yes, I admit it. The pet shop owner came to me and proposed an attractive deal. He hoped to buy rare animals at a low price and sell them at a high price. I agreed to his request for the sake of profit.

Qi Lin asked: "How did you do it? How did you bypass the inspections of the legal and regulatory authorities?".

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