His courage and wisdom have become a role model for many young people.

However, Qi Lin did not stop. After this case, he continued to devote himself to the struggle to solve other social problems, using his ability and wisdom to fight for justice.

When Qi Lin stepped into the crime scene, a messy scene came into view. Wreckage was scattered on the ground, smoke filled the air, and the scene was extremely chaotic. He immediately launched an investigation, carefully searching for any traces that could provide clues.

At this moment, a uniformed police officer came over and nervously reported to Qi Lin: "Director Qi, this explosion caused many casualties. We need to find the murderer as soon as possible. Preliminary investigation showed that the explosion was caused by Caused by a ticking time bomb.”

Qi Lin nodded seriously and then asked: "Have you found any suspicious clues?"

The police officer sighed and replied: "There are not many clues yet, but we found a stranger's fingerprints and are preparing to send them for comparison."

Qi Lin thought for a moment and began to reason about the case: "The murderer must have a special purpose when he chose to detonate the bomb here. We need to start with the specific conditions of the explosion site to find possible suspects.

The police officer asked with some confusion: "Chief, do you have any specific ideas?"

Qi Lin smiled and explained: "Based on the power and scope of the explosion, the murderer is likely to be someone familiar with this area. We can first search for surveillance videos of nearby residents or businesses

Check to see if there are any suspicious persons coming or going. "

The police officer immediately realized the importance of the problem and quickly organized personnel to retrieve surveillance video. After some hard work, they found a clue. In the video of a convenience store not far from the explosion site, a man wearing a hat and a black coat appeared.

Qi Lin quickly analyzed the video footage and then said to the police officer: "Judging from the video, the man's movements were extremely fast. It seems that he was prepared. We need to find him as soon as possible."

As further investigation unfolded, Qi Lin discovered a hidden clue. Near the residence of the man identified as the murderer, there was a laboratory that had been closed down. Qi Lin suspected that the laboratory was related to the case.

He decided to go to the laboratory and conduct a comprehensive search. When he came to the laboratory, a pungent smell hit his face. The entire laboratory seemed empty, but in the corner, Tu found some liquid remaining in several bottles.

He immediately took the liquid back to the laboratory and asked chemical experts for analysis. The results showed that these liquids were highly explosive materials.

Returning to the police station, Qi Lin began to comprehensively sort out and analyze the case. Through cooperation with the police and chemical experts, he came to a surprising conclusion: "The murderer is not only proficient in chemical knowledge, but also has a very good understanding of the mechanism of explosions."

Qi Lin decided to find out the murderer's motive. Qi Lin thought deeply and tried to deduce the murderer's motive. He carefully reviewed the details of the case and wondered if there were any clues that could explain the murderer's behavior.

During the analysis process, Qi Lin suddenly discovered an important detail: "The time and place of the explosion were not insignificant accidents." He remembered that the day of the incident happened to be the date of an important meeting, and the explosion location was located next to the meeting. Near the temporary office area.”

This aroused Qi Lin's alert, and he began to investigate the backgrounds and motives of the participants. After some investigation, Qi Lin found that the meeting involved sensitive business transactions and may trigger a competition for huge profits.

Qi Lin decided to focus his investigation on those with chemical knowledge and potential motives among the attendees. He interviewed everyone involved one by one and carefully observed their reactions and behavior.

After a series of detailed interrogations, Qi Lin gradually narrowed the scope of suspicion. Eventually, he settled on a business executive named Li Yu, who was in the meeting representing a company that was in fierce competition with another company.

Qi Lin found Li Yu and had a one-on-one interview with him. He calmly observed Li Yu's expression and words, trying to find any potential clues.

Li Yu looked nervous, but he insisted that he had nothing to do with the explosion. Qi Lin did not believe his words easily, because murderers often try to cover up their crimes.

Therefore, Qi Lin changed his strategy and used psychological tactics to force out the truth. He showed past cases and evidence to Li Yu, and the pressure gradually increased.

0.Please give me flowers...

Li Yu began to waver, and he finally couldn't bear the feeling of guilt in his heart. He admitted that he had received an anonymous threatening letter before the meeting, asking him to abandon the deal. However, he paid no attention to the letter and did not realize until after the explosion that the bombing was related to the threatening letter.

As the investigation deepened, Qi Lin revealed a huge conspiracy. It turned out that there was a bad business struggle between the company represented by Li Yu and its competitors. In order to eliminate the threat of Li Yu, the competitor hired a chemical expert to create an explosion.

Qi Lin successfully brought the murderer to justice and prevented greater malicious acts from happening. His intelligence and courage were on full display in solving this complex case.

As an outstanding detective, Qi Lin will continue to devote himself to criminal investigation work to protect the safety and justice of society.

During Qi Lin's career, he has cracked many seemingly impossible cases. Recently, a smuggling case appeared on his office desk, which aroused his great interest.

The core of the case is a batch of priceless antiques that are said to have been smuggled into the country and will soon be handed over to buyers on the black market. Qi Lin realized that there must be a huge criminal network hidden behind this case. He decided to conduct an in-depth investigation and arrest the criminals as soon as possible to ensure the safe return of these precious cultural relics.

The first place Qi Lin visited was a warehouse on the edge of the city. As he approached quietly, he suddenly heard a whispered conversation. He quickly hid behind a pile of empty boxes and listened carefully to their conversation.

"These antiques are really valuable. If we transport them to the buyers on the island, we can get a lot of wealth!" A deep voice said.

"We need to remain vigilant and not let anyone discover our whereabouts. I have organized all transportation and manpower. "Everything is ready." Another voice responded.

Qi Lin gently took out his mobile phone and filmed the conversation. He knew this was an important clue that would help him find the smuggler's leader.

Next, Qi Lin began a series of investigations and conducted multiple interviews with other persons involved. .

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