Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

916: Arrest The Woman And Bring Her To Justice

A few days later, the police found the woman and arrested her. During the interrogation, she had to confess all her crimes. It turns out that she was instructed by a mysterious man to help him steal jewelry and hide it.

Qi Lin decided to further trace the identity of this mysterious man in order to reveal the true behind-the-scenes of the entire criminal gang. Through careful investigation and clue combing, they discovered more information related to this mysterious man.

In the end, Qi Lin and the police successfully captured the mysterious man in a secret transaction. He turned out to be the leader of an international jewelry theft group and had been using insiders to carry out theft operations.

After a long and tense interrogation, the leader of the jewelry theft group had to admit his crime. In order to achieve personal gain, he took advantage of the trust of others and created a series of carefully planned signature-theft incidents.

Qi Lin's hard work and intelligence finally paid off. He helped the police arrest various members of the criminal gang and completely dismantle the jewelry theft syndicate. A wealthy collector can finally breathe a sigh of relief as his missing jewelery has been recovered and is now safely on display at his luxury villa.

When a poisoning case occurs in the city center, Qi Lin is brought in to investigate the bizarre incident.

The case took place in the banquet hall of a five-star hotel. A wealthy industrialist suddenly died of poisoning at his son's wedding. Based on a preliminary investigation at the scene, the police determined that some kind of deadly poison caused the industrialist's death. After receiving the mission, Qi Lin rushed to the scene as soon as possible.

Qi Lin cooperated with the police to conduct a thorough analysis and investigation of the case. During the on-site investigation, he carefully observed the location where the industrialist fell and the surrounding conditions. He also communicated with on-site staff, learned about the dishes and drinks ordered by customers, and collected samples for further testing.

After returning to the police station, Qi Lin began to carefully analyze all the clues. He called in police chemists and forensic scientists to study the lab results. After many tests and studies, they finally determined the composition of the poison and discovered that it was an extremely rare and difficult to detect poison.

Qi Lin decided to conduct a detailed analysis of the surveillance video of the banquet hall. He observed the behavior and behavior of each guest and tried to find a breakthrough. During one night of observation, he noticed a suspicious figure - a man wearing a black suit and sunglasses. He hurried past the banquet hall and seemed to deliberately avoid the camera.

Qi Lin relied on his keen intuition and believed that this mysterious man was the key. He began to track the man and found that he frequented a speakeasy. Qi Lin conducts in-depth investigation

Learned that this bar was a stronghold for underground drug dealing.

In order to collect further evidence, Qi Lin disguised himself as a guest and sneaked into the bar. He started conversations with people in the bar, trying to get any information about the case. After some hard work, he finally found clues related to the poisoning case.

Clues pointed to the industrialist's business rivals. After cooperating with the police, Qi Lin quickly brought the suspect back to the police station for interrogation. During the fierce confrontation, "the suspect finally admitted his crime.

In a cunning plan, the suspects poisoned the food in an attempt to discredit the industrialist and gain a commercial advantage. However, he did not expect that Qi Lin's wisdom and persistent investigative skills would expose his lies.

The case was eventually successfully solved and the suspect was arrested and brought to justice. Qi Lin once again won praise and respect for this outstanding detection work. He became a high-profile hero in the media and received many letters of thanks and praise.

However, Qi Lin was not complacent about this. He knows that solving one case is only part of his job, and there are many other mysteries waiting for him to solve. He continues to work hard to improve his skills and expertise to handle more complex and difficult cases.

Soon after, a new case appeared in front of Qi Lin. This is an espionage case involving national security. A foreign agent is discovered lurking in the heart of the city and is believed to be planning a large-scale terrorist attack.

Qi Lin quickly launched an investigation. He carefully studied the agent's background and whereabouts, and worked with intelligence agencies to obtain more information. By analyzing intelligence and clues, Qi Lin gradually revealed the agent's true identity and plan.

…Please give me flowers…

He organized a capable investigation team, using advanced surveillance equipment and technology, to conduct secret observations in every corner of the city center. They will focus on key locations that may be targets of terrorist attacks and make every effort to protect the safety of citizens.

After several days of intense tracking and investigation, Qi Lin's team finally discovered the agent's hiding place. They orchestrated a carefully planned raid and successfully arrested the agent.

Through the interrogation of the agents, Qi Lin learned more information about the terrorist attack plan. He immediately reported to the national security department and assisted them in formulating countermeasures to ensure the safety of the city.

Qi Lin walked into the office of the police station. He had been investigating cases of animal trafficking for several months. The table was filled with various documents and evidence, and he was ready to report his findings to the police.


Qi Lin looked at the map hanging on the wall, which marked the locations of animal trafficking criminal gangs. He knew that only by destroying this huge network could he protect the lives of more innocent animals. Just as he was deep in thought, Police Chief Zhang Zhiyuan walked into the room.

"Detective Qi, how is the progress of your investigation?" Zhang Zhiyuan asked.

Qi Lin stood up and saluted, and said: "Director, I have collected a large amount of evidence and identified the core members of the criminal gang that sells animals. Their activities range across the city.

We must take action. 11

Zhang Zhiyuan nodded solemnly: "Detective Qi, you are one of our best detectives. I believe you can solve this problem. However, we need conclusive evidence to capture these criminals and cannot let them escape the punishment of the law." 1

Qi Lin solemnly replied: "I understand what the director means, and I have already arranged a trading operation. Through undercover animal trafficking informants, we have the opportunity to wipe out this gang."

Zhang Zhiyuan nodded in agreement, and then they began to discuss specific action plans. Qi Lin showed the director the detailed intelligence they had collected, including the background and contact information of each criminal. They decided to conduct the transaction in a remote warehouse to ensure that there would be no interference from others. .

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