Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

965: Zhang Lei Invaded The Database Of Water Source Group

I feel like there might be a bigger manipulator behind this, and they might be hiding the truth somehow. We need to look for more clues, such as employee testimonies, connections between companies, etc.

After listening to Qi Lin's analysis, Wang Bin frowned slightly. After thinking for a while, he said: "Your analysis makes sense, Mr. Qi. I will send people to further investigate the employees and related information of these companies. Please continue." Observe and investigate at the scene. We need to completely uncover the mystery and find out who is really behind the scenes.

After hard work, Detective Qi Lin and Wang Bin finally obtained more evidence.

By investigating employee testimonies and assisting the Environmental Protection Agency in tracking money flows, they uncovered a vast network involving multiple companies designed to expose those responsible for discharging sewage.

The core of this 180 network is a company called Shuiyuan Group, behind which lies an underground force with huge influence and wealth.

Qi Lin and Wang Bin organized the evidence they had in order and prepared to apply for an arrest warrant from the court. However, at a critical moment, they received an anonymous call warning them to stop the investigation, otherwise their lives would be in danger.

Faced with this sudden threat, Qi Lin did not flinch, but instead strengthened his determination. He decided to move on, protect justice, and restore a lively and healthy environment to the town of Kangkang.

At the same time, he also knew that he could not fight alone. He discussed with Wang Bin and decided to contact some brave and upright local people to form a team to jointly fight against this powerful underground force.

Qi Lin quickly contacted Li Yuanyuan, an honest reporter, and Zhang Lei, a hacker who is good at technology. The three of them decided to cooperate and use their respective expertise to promote the development of the case.

Under Qi Lin's guidance, they began to conduct a more in-depth investigation. Through Li Yuanyuan's identity as a reporter, they sneaked into the headquarters of Shuiyuan Group and obtained key documents and letters.

At the same time, Zhang Lei also used his hacking skills to invade the database of Shuiyuan Group and traced the connections between some of the people involved. This evidence further reveals the scale and evil deeds of this underground force. (afdb)

Qi Lin handed these new evidence to Wang Bin and told them that they had enough evidence to deal with this underground force. With the help of the police, they formulated an action plan.

That night, they led the police to raid the headquarters of the Water Source Group. After a fierce battle, they finally arrested all the core members of the underground forces and brought them to justice.

The truth of the case finally came to light. The Water Source Group and the forces behind it were exposed. In order to make huge profits, they deliberately discharged sewage, causing serious pollution to the environment of the entire town.

During the sentencing phase, Qi Lin appeared in court as an important witness to testify. He provided detailed evidence to the court, making it difficult for criminals to deny it. In the end, the core members of the underground forces were sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment, and the Water Source Group also faced heavy fines and liabilities.

After learning the truth, the whole town was full of admiration and gratitude to Qi Lin and his team. They were moved by Qi Lin's courage and sense of justice, and in their hearts "Qi Lin became a hero.

The success of this investigation not only improved the environment, but also gave the public deeper confidence in law and justice. .

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