"We have arranged an undercover agent who will sneak into the freight company to obtain more information. I hope you can uncover the truth about this smuggling as soon as possible." Director Chen hopes Qi Lin can assist in the undercover operation.

"I will launch an investigation as soon as possible." Qi Lin promised.

The next day, Qi Lin came to the freight company for observation. He noticed a young man with a serious face in work clothes who was concentrating on handling the transportation of goods. This person is an undercover agent.

Qi Lin approached the undercover agent and whispered: "What have you completed Ren Lu?"

The undercover agent answered cautiously: "I found that they often transport goods at night, and only a few specific employees are involved. Their destinations are also strange, and they always stop in some deserted places."

Qi Lin nodded. "We need more evidence." He thought for a moment and then continued: "You have to continue to sneak in and see if you can find where the contraband is. If you have any clues, remember to contact me as soon as possible."

In the following weeks, Qi Lin and undercover agents continued to collect information, but still could not directly prove the existence of smuggling activities. The smugglers seemed to be very cautious and followed strict procedures for each shipment without leaving any loopholes.

Just when Qi Lin was confused, the undercover suddenly sent news: "Mr. Qi, I found some clues. They hid the contraband in the fake wall panels in the goods."

Qi Lin immediately decided to take action. He notified the police to prepare arresters and personally led the team to investigate.

At night, Qi Lin and the police disguised themselves as truck drivers and quietly followed the smuggling gang's truck. When they stopped in a deserted place, Qi Lin ordered everyone to take action.

The police quickly surrounded the truck and arrested the people inside. Qi Lin personally inspected the truck and found a large amount of contraband in it. He understands that this is just the tip of the iceberg, and there is a larger organization hidden behind it.

Back at the police station, Qi Lin began to interrogate the arrested persons. They confessed their crimes one by one, but no one mentioned the mastermind behind it.

Qi Lin thought about how to find the real mastermind. He decided to take a different tack and speak alone with one of the arrested men. This person’s name is Liu Hongmi, “a member of the smuggling gang.

0...Please give me flowers...0

Sitting in the interrogation room, Qi Lin stared at Liu Hong sharply and said, "Liu Hong, do you know why I talked to you alone?"

Liu Hong swallowed nervously, "I don't know, doctor."

"It seems that you haven't realized that you have fallen into trouble." Qi Lin whispered, "I have enough evidence to put you in jail for decades. But if you are willing to cooperate, tell the person behind the scenes Your true identity, maybe I can consider reducing your sentence.


Liu Hong showed hesitation on his face, but in the end he nodded, "I can tell you some information, but only if you protect my safety.

Qi Lin smiled slightly and agreed. He understood that ensuring Liu Hong's safety was more important than anything else at this time.

Liu Hong began to tell about a man named Zhang Yunfei, who was the mastermind behind the smuggling activities. He controls the operation of the entire smuggling network and is an extremely shrewd and secretive figure.

Qi Lin had confidence in his heart. He knew that he was close to the truth. .

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