Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

019: Wang Zhiqiang Fell Into The Trap Set By Qi Lin

"Based on the information provided by the informant, we first need to determine the specific location of the abandoned building. Liliana, can you find clues by analyzing the map and surrounding buildings? N

Liliana nodded, turned on the computer and began to study the map and surrounding buildings carefully. She said to Qilin: "According to the information we know, this abandoned building is located in the north of the city, near a forest. I will carefully search for nearby landmark buildings or terrain features, hoping to find clues.

The two began to search carefully on the map, and they noticed a park and a tall tower. Liliana suggested: "Qi Lin, according to our investigation, this abandoned building may be located on the west side of the park. The tower is an important landmark building, and we can use this as a benchmark to launch further searches."

Qi Lin nodded in agreement, "Good idea, let's go to that tower first and maybe we can find some clues.

They drove to the area where the tower was located and stopped near the tower. Qi Lin and Liliana approached the tower and carefully observed the surrounding environment. Suddenly, Liliana pointed to a dilapidated notice board next to the tower and said: "Qi Lin, look at the words on that notice board! They seem to be geographical coordinates!

They carefully observed the combination of numbers and letters on the sign and found that they exactly matched the coordinates on the map. Qi Lin said excitedly: "This must be the specific location of the abandoned building! We have to rush there quickly to ensure that they are not given the opportunity to destroy evidence or move animals.

Qi Lin and Liliana immediately returned to the car and quickly drove towards the location of the abandoned building. When they arrived at their destination, they found the building tightly guarded by the gang's men.

"We cannot act rashly, otherwise we may arouse vigilance. We need an effective plan to successfully hunt them down." Qi Lin whispered to Liliana.

They decided to find the insider first, hoping to successfully infiltrate into the gang with his help. Qi Lin learned through his contact that the insider would go to the Animal Protection Association to participate in an animal protection event the next night. This was a rare opportunity, Qi Lin and Liliana decided to wait there.

The next night, they lurked in the hall of the Animal Protection Society, always vigilant. Finally, they spotted a man who looked suspicious and was trying to enter the employee area. Qi Lin immediately walked over to stop him, "...Wang Zhiqiang, you are surrounded! Put down your weapons and don't resist!

Wang Zhiqiang showed a surprised expression, but did not resist. After he was arrested, Qi Lin and Liliana returned to the police station with evidence.

During the interrogation, Wang Zhiqiang began to quibble, claiming that he was innocent and that he did not know anything about animal trafficking. Qi Lin looked at him calmly and gradually launched a series of (Li Nuo's) strategies for dialogue with him.

"Mr. Wang Zhiqiang, we have sufficient evidence to prove that you are the leader of this animal trafficking gang. Stop denying it, we have enough clues and witnesses. Tell me the truth now, otherwise you will face more severe charges and punish.

Wang Zhiqiang gritted his teeth, but then his expression became serious. He finally realized that he had fallen into the trap set by Qi Lin. .

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