Qi Lin had a subtle association in his mind. He felt that there seemed to be some connection between the security guard's testimony and the elevator maintenance technician's answer. He decided to talk to the two again, hoping to find the intersection of clues.

Qi Lin asked the police to arrange for security personnel and elevator maintenance technicians to be in the same room again. He sat among them and began to guide them in conversation.

"Hello, my name is Qi Lin. I noticed that there seems to be some overlap in the information you provided before. The security guard mentioned the anonymous call, but the elevator maintenance technician said he did not know about it. I want to find out the connection 770, Please recall again, are there any other clues you can provide?" Qi Lin asked seriously.

The security guard and the elevator maintenance technician looked at each other for a while, and then the security guard said: "Actually, we did have a brief conversation. That morning

I found some minor problems with the elevator operation, so I contacted the elevator maintenance technician. We met in a corner of the building, but we unexpectedly received an anonymous call, so we separated quickly. "

When Qi Lin heard this conversation, the puzzle pieces in his mind began to piece together. He began to wonder whether the contact between the elevator maintenance technician and the security guard was related to the case.

"Excuse me, have you seen this suspicious person?" Qi Lin showed the suspicious person in the surveillance video.

The security guards and elevator maintenance technicians were all staring at the surveillance screen, and their expressions began to become nervous.

The security guard said: "I remember seeing him that morning. He walked past the elevator maintenance technicians, as if they had something to discuss. But I didn't expect an explosion. It was really scary."

The elevator maintenance technician nodded palely, as if he was deep in thought.

"Do you have any ideas?" Qi Lin asked. He noticed that the elevator maintenance technician seemed to have a guilty look.

The elevator maintenance technician trembled and said (bfbd): "It's not that simple. I did meet him, and he already knew there was a problem with the elevator when he found me.

But he gave me a note that told me to install a certain device in the elevator controller at a specified time.

He said the device was designed to improve elevator operation. I didn't think much about it at the time and just did as he asked. But I never thought something like this would happen.

After Qi Lin heard this, the clues in his mind began to connect. He understood the motive of the case and the truth behind it.

"Thank you for your candor, sir. It seems that you have also been taken advantage of. This suspicious person is probably a dangerous person. He deliberately manipulated the actions of you and the security personnel, leading to the explosion."

We will launch operations as soon as possible to hunt down this suspect. Also, thank you very much for the information you provided to help us solve this mystery. Qilin elevator maintenance technicians and security personnel expressed their gratitude.

In the following days, the police launched a comprehensive investigation and finally successfully arrested the suspect. He was found to be a member of a militant group intent on causing panic and chaos through bomb attacks.

When Qi Lin stepped into the crime scene, a strong atmosphere of black market trading hit his face. An abandoned factory was used as a base for smugglers, and all kinds of illegal items were piled up throughout the warehouse. Qi Lin took a deep breath, knowing that this mission would not be easy. .

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